Did The Us Air Force Just Admit It Was Using Haarp For Weather Control?

GizaDeathStar May 17 2014 (Thanks, Minty)

JosephPFarrellTwo regulars of this community, Ms. P.H. and Mr. V.T. both sent this article to me, so, for that, a big thank you. I have to admit when I first started reading, I couldn’t figure out why they had. After all, the closure of HAARP was not big news, and I had already blogged about it before, and even suggested that the reason HAARP was being closed was because they had moved on to better and more efficient methods for accomplishing the same thing, i.e., weather modification. Back then, I noted that the ionospheric heater facility in Gakona, Alaska, would be contracted out to DARPA (the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency) for “experiments”  before it was shut down for good.

The HAARP facility has been, in its own unique way, a mirror to our culture, reflecting its concerns and memes with some accuracy. Very early on in its career, Dr. Nick Begich and Jean Manning, whose book Angels Don’t Play this HAARP exposed its possible uses as a missile defense and weather modification/control technology. This, of course, was roundly denounced as more conspiracy theory crackpottery by the lamestream media, notwithstanding that it was simple physics that Begich and Manning were talking about: play around with an electromagnetic dynamic system like the Earth’s ionosphere by creating vast regions of plasma and so on within it, and,yes, one could create huge areas of low pressure and literally steer weather systems around.

Perhaps…perhaps one might also set up unique standing waves within the Earth itself along fault lines, or stimulate piezo-electric effects in rocks along faults lines… The speculations grew, and even Dr. Bernard Eastland, author of some of the first ionospheric heater patents, expressed doubts in a couple of interviews about his own project, and what it might be capable of. Continue reading

Dr. Michio Kaku Admits Government Weather Control On CBS News

IntelliHub  February 17 2014

MichioKakuIn a recently aired clip on CBS, Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku talks about experiments that scientists have been doing with weather modification.  The experiments that he discusses sound strangely similar to what we know about the HAARP facility in Alaska.  These experiments seem to operate in the same way, by shooting lasers and nanoparticules into the sky.

Later in the conversation, Michio Kaku talks about the deep history of weather modification that has been carried out by governments for decades.  Very quickly the CBS staff interrupted him to point out that government directed weather modification was only “alleged”.

In new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Professor Wolf Kasparian said the laser beams create plasma channels in the air that caused ice to form.

He said: “Under the conditions of a typical storm cloud, in which ice and supercooled water coexist, no direct influence of the plasma channels on ice formation or precipitation processes could be detected.

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Proof Military Intentionally Poisoning Us! Chemtrails Exposed [Video]

SuperUrbanWizard | November 29 2012 | Thanks, Minty

The Air Force is on record as saying they want to control the weather by 2025. The Massachusetts School of Law’s Educational Forum presents part 2 of a Conference on Global Climate Change with Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, author, educator and environmental writer.

The Massachusetts School of Law also presents information on important current affairs to the general public in television and radio broadcasts, an intellectual journal, conferences, author appearances, blogs and books. For more information visit mslaw.edu. Posted under Fair Use without intent to infringe upon copyright.

Second section is a re-upload from my previous video, posted with permission from Original source, again for the purposes of education with no intent to infringe on anyone’s copyright This Official US document, complete with Names & other particulars PROVES that the US Govt is & has been modifying weather. Pause as necessary & feel free to share. This document PROVES that which Govt has been denying for a long time, evidenced by dates & locations shown within.

HAARP Technology 2.0 Wrecking Our Environment?

Activist Post | November 26 2012

Are miniaturized versions of the world’s largest ionospheric heater (HAARP) all around us modifying the weather? Have electromagnetic frequency generators been installed over major fault lines waiting to trigger massive earthquakes? Has our military developed a super weapon that can vaporize entire cities with lightning from the ionosphere? There is evidence that technology exists and is being deployed.

Way back in 1995, when the seminal book by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning Angels Don’t Play this HAARP was released, the putative inventor of HAARP, Dr. Bernard Eastlund, speculated that it is ‘entirely possible’ that such technology had already been miniaturized.

Aviation Week reported in 2008 that an airborne version of HAARP had been developed which is towed ‘behind a helicopter.’

The Sea-based X-band Radar (SBX) floating platform utilizes HAARP technology. Here is the Wikipedia listing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea-based_X-band_Radar 

Little HAARPs modifying the local weather? 

Scientists at the University of California Los Angeles and the High Power Auroral Stimulation (HIPAS) Observatory in Alaska have assembled a new generation of ionospheric heaters. This technology, known as ‘Hertzian antennas,’ can, “…match or exceed the peak power of the new HAARP system for a fraction of its cost.” Though most implementations are not capable of producing all of the complex, phased signals produced by facilities like HAARP at Gakona, Alaska or the antenna array at Jicamarca, Peru.

An effective Hertzian antenna could fit in a good-sized back yard.

Have these new Hertzian antennas been placed strategically around the country and the world in a coordinated effort to modify the weather? Ionospheric heaters such as these can be networked and synchronized to increase functionality and effectiveness. Today’s chemtrail/ionospheric heater weather modification operations may involve a network of smaller Hertzian antennas tucked away on the back lots of our nation’s scientific establishments and/or placed (as discussed in the next section) at common weather sheer locations, disguised as center-pivot irrigation systems.

All these antennas could be controlled from a central location such as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

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