How To Avoid False Light Teachings

Michelle Walling, CHLC –  Are you still trying to decide which spiritual practice will work better for you over another? Are you undecided as to which way to spin your merkaba? You can stop trying to decide because every single teaching you can find outside of yourself is guaranteed to be of the false light matrix.

That’s right, every one of them. While a certain teaching may have been beneficial in helping you to move forward in life, that is exactly where the deception lies within the programming. Moving forward inch by inch is what keeps us moving in a circle, like a snake eating its tail. What we really need to do is to find the exit door that lies within the circle, which is the stargate that leads to all the answers within.


While many people who promote teachings to heal and help you spiritually, most of the time these people are completely unaware that in the end you will be giving your power away to them or another being in one way or another. The savior program is heavily promoted by the control forces and should be the most avoided. Common sense says that if the “savior” has already died for your sins, then why is sin still a part of the religious teachings? Why do Catholics still confess their sins to a priest? Continue reading