How To See Through The Smoke And Mirrors

Christina Lavers – Waking up, for the average person, isn’t something that happens in a day or a moment. It is an ongoing process that often feels like a long multi-layered, winding road with an unclear destination. For many, dissatisfaction with the status quo is the catalyst that propels us to seek greener pastures. Wanting something more than the shallow illusions that dance on our television screens, we begin to pull our awareness away from the bread and circus on offer and look toward the fringes.

In the mainstream ‘they’ hold a lot of power. They tell us what’s what: everything from what is good and bad for us, and what we should aspire to, to how we should look, and what’s hot and what’s not.

mainstreamShifting our attention from the mainstream to the fringes can be both exciting and daunting. It’s not just a jungle out there; it’s a maze, a fun house, and a mad carnival where everything and anything can find a niche and an audience. To those who come to take a brief look, it can appear exactly as the mainstream tells us to perceive it: a madhouse rife with charlatans and trolls, praying on naivety and ignorance. However, for those who bother to explore a little more deeply certain patterns begin to emerge.

There are two key streams in the alternative worldview, the spiritual and the conspiracy and upon close examination it appears they two are inextricably linked. Continue reading