Why Post-Inauguration Reminds Me of Post-9-11

worldE.M. Cadwaladr – I have been struggling at this keyboard since the “election.”  I start an article — and the news cycle runs it over like a steamroller.  I don’t think anyone wants to hear anything very subtle or, if you’ll forgive an elitist word, very “nuanced” right now.  I don’t think anyone needs convincing, either.  We are past all that.  Neither do I want to contribute to the raging storm of half-truths and conjectures.  I try furiously to make sense of what’s going on, but the smothering blanket of censorship has already begun to take its toll.

The “mainstream” media were playing around recently with likening the “invasion” of the Capitol building to 9/11.  Actually, I am reminded very much of 9/11 — not by the “invasion” itself, but by the tenor of the reaction since. Continue reading

Whose world do you live in?

worldThe Angels – As you move forward into your new year it would help to ask yourself the following question: “What world do I choose to live in?” While you all live upon your planet Earth, there are billions of worlds within this world, and each one of you – by your vibration – will choose the one in which you reside.

You need only to put a large group of people in a room and ask them what they think about “the world” and you’ll get as many differing viewpoints as there are people. Each person would say they are telling you about “the world,” when in reality they would be telling you about “their world.” Continue reading

The Wake Up Call We All Need To Hear [Video]

worldJoe Martino – Back in 2009 I created a documentary that kickstarted Collective Evolution’s popularity. It focused on taking a big picture, conscious, look at the state of our world and what needs to change. This film was made on a handy cam with a budget of about $800, haha. But it was the beginning of something powerful, and played its role.

One of the key insights I wrote into this film was the idea that we must begin looking at our world and our political system from the standpoint of consciousness – how our inner belief systems and programming create the world we see in our world. Continue reading

Divide and Conquer is Killing Us

peaceSahara Devi – Divide and conquer—the  oldest tactic in the world. And look how successfully it’s been used in our society. What if we recognized that we’ve been manipulated in this way, and are all suffering because of the atmosphere of vilification it has fostered?

I know that people often feel helpless—and that they imagine some politician will be their savior. But that’s simply how we’ve been programmed by the media: that only a superhero can save the day. It’s a tragically false premise—and it’s time we awakened to the fact that the millions we are have the power to make the change we desire.

The fabric of reality—the quantum field—is essentially energy, and so are we. As energy, we vibrate at different frequencies: think heavy metal and the blues. Each component of the body of humanity (person) is contributing to the quality of the whole, and what exists at this time has been created by the fear, anger, etc., of our individual contributions. Continue reading

Time of the Great Awakening

As you look around the world today and see so many things coming to the surface that are not in line with your values and the world you want to see, know that you are witnessing the dissolving and releasing of the old way. All these things that have been hidden before and are now coming into your awareness are not the world you want to inhabit or leave to your children or their children. The good news is your desire and passion for creating a new world is being ignited. You are being inspired to step into your life purpose and mission to create a New Earth and a new Golden Age of Freedom. ~ The Council of Ascended Masters

lifeSharon Rose – This is the Time of the Great Awakening when you awaken to the magnificent truth of your sacred origins and the inherent power to create and recreate a life and world that honors all of life, starting with yourself and expanding to include all of humanity and the Earth. As you awaken to your full identity and use your God-given power of choice to make wise, loving compassionate decisions, this is the time that will turn the negative, downward tide into a new cycle to usher in a new Earth of peace, plenty and possibilities without limit of freedom and joy.

When you remember who you are and that you are here at this time on Earth to create a new world in co-creation with the millions of other Lightworkers and that this is part of your own Divine Blueprint, you don’t waste any time blaming or complaining, knowing that behavior only strengthens the old way you are wanting to see pass away.  Instead you begin to focus on activating the part of the New World that is yours to create.  Continue reading