Want to Be Happier? Ask Yourself This Question Every Morning

worldChris Winfield – Albert Einstein called this “the most important decision” we make in our lives.

When you first wake up, what pops into your mind?

Do you start thinking about all the work you have to do? The emails you have to reply to, the pile of paperwork on your desk that has to be completed, or maybe it’s the housework that still needs to get done?


Do you think about the things that make you happy? The kiss your little boy or girl is going to give you before heading out to school, the hug your partner will greet you with when you come home, or the fact that, even though you may not have everything you want, you’re doing just fine?

Albert Einstein once said,

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.”

Is the world you live in hostile or friendly? How do you look at it? It’s up to you to decide. Continue reading

The rapidly changing energy

worldDana Mrkich – Some of the information we come across will be confronting, in conflict with previously held-beliefs or feel confusing. Eye-opening information will increase this year as more truths are revealed, resulting in more ‘push-back’ denials. The old world will continue to look like a warped reality show as the old power structure dismantles. Misinformation abounds as truth is mixed in with political agendas, personal opinions and fears.

Our job is to use our inner discernment, our inner emotional radar, to ask ourselves: does this feel true or not? Something that sounds good on the surface may create a knot in your stomach, or have every bone in your body tell you: this is fishy. Likewise something that is really unbelievable to hear, something you desperately wish wasn’t true or that takes your mind out of its familiar boundaries regarding reality, may result in your body telling you: as uncomfortable as this is, it does feel true…

2016: The year of “Well that was unexpected..!”

…The events of 2016 were shocking because they tore into the fabric of the Western world, and the Western world prefers to run on a controlled, stable, predictable timeline without too many upsets. Our mainstream systems prefer a shiny veneer where the elite’s preferred candidate wins the US Election, entertainment reporters focus on who wore what best, and Kim Kardashian posts on Instagram ten times a day. We like our messes pushed firmly under the carpet and our world run covertly behind the scenes thank you very much. How else can we explain the bulging carpets now spilling out for all to see, or the global, unacceptable acts that have been allowed to continue for decades?

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October Message From Archangel Michael

worldAA Michael – As surely as you live and breathe, you are helping to create either Heaven or hell on Earth—or many of you may possibly feel that you vacillate somewhere in-between the two. No matter what you believe or how you interpret the ancient teachings, Heaven is a state of mind/consciousness, and not somewhere “out there” in the higher dimensions.

It is not a final destination or a place you may be eligible to go to when you transcend and leave your present physical vessel. It is a state of consciousness that you create and exist in no matter where you have been, where you are now, or where you are going in the future. You came from a heavenly place, and you brought Love/Light with you, along with the ability to create a heavenly environment, no matter what dimension, world or reality you have chosen to experience.

Hell on Earth is what many of you have been experiencing over these many thousands of years since humanity’s fall into a semi-conscious state. You have been living in an unreal world whereby you are steeped in fear, superstition, feelings of shame, guilt, and of not being worthy of love or abundance. You have allowed others to tell you how to think and act, and you have allowed those you thought were wiser than you to take away your power and control your lives. A maelstrom of negative thought forms created by the masses has kept you imprisoned in a world of illusion.

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A New World Forms As The Earth Is Bathed In Higher Dimensional Energies

worldThe Arcturians – We come with love, respect, and an understanding for you who are experiencing so much at this time. We would like to remind you that the world is now far advanced toward becoming fully aware and because of this, very few world events and personal experiences are accidental.

There comes a time for every serious spiritual student when “accidents” or unwanted experiences no longer represent third dimensional thinking, but are experiences necessary for some needed lesson or spiritual growth. As we have said before, once a soul chooses to evolve, the “train leaves the station”.

Everyone is feeling the higher dimensional energies now pouring to earth with increasing intensity. These energies are serving to open mankind to a higher awareness that is empowering them to seek freedom of expression, self rule, and new ways of living, being, and governance. Most people as of yet do not fully understand why they are feeling these urges or why their thinking has changed so much on particular issues.

Mankind’s increasing dissatisfaction with “business as usual”, began when powerful and high resonating energies began to replace the old, and personal clearings began. The heart chakras of many have cleared or are in the process, and the high heart is opening for all who are receptive. The dissolution of old energy begins the moment an individual opens themselves to more.

As the heart begins to open, dense self created energetic walls of protection that were formed around it as the result of past and present experiences, begin to dissolve. This allows the heart’s already present frequencies of love to flow forth, the result of which is often a whole new world view for the individual. The “new” person often does not even realize that anything has changed until he attempts to live as usual, and finds that he no longer resonates with much of it.

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Oracle Report ~ Friday, July 15, 2016

As requested by the Mahavidyas on Monday, the Wings Around the World Group Meditation today:

Wise owls are called upon to join together and spread wings around the world in a wave of love.

Owl_WingsAroundTheWorldA group meditation that occurs at individual times is the mission.  If you are inclined, sometime today, perhaps in the time you would have ordinarily read today’s report, please join me in a gathering of minds.

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