Hernia: Symptoms, causes and cure

What is a hernia?

A hernia is a protrusion in the groin. It occurs when the anterior abdominal wall ruptures at some point and the organs of this area, such as the small intestine, protrude through the hollow inguinal canal. This type of a hernia is the most common, especially in men.  A question that might have often crossed your mind as to how to get rid of a hernia often, read on to explore more:

The weakness of the abdominal wall may exist from birth (a congenital hernia) if it was not completed during the development of the fetus. Thus, hernias in children are usually congenital. However, they can also appear in later stages (acquired hernia) due, for example, to an operation in the abdomen that does not heal well or because of a weakness in the connective tissue. Therefore, the hernia can appear when coughing, when lifting a very heavy object or during pregnancy. Continue reading