Hernia: Symptoms, causes and cure

What is a hernia?

A hernia is a protrusion in the groin. It occurs when the anterior abdominal wall ruptures at some point and the organs of this area, such as the small intestine, protrude through the hollow inguinal canal. This type of a hernia is the most common, especially in men.  A question that might have often crossed your mind as to how to get rid of a hernia often, read on to explore more:

The weakness of the abdominal wall may exist from birth (a congenital hernia) if it was not completed during the development of the fetus. Thus, hernias in children are usually congenital. However, they can also appear in later stages (acquired hernia) due, for example, to an operation in the abdomen that does not heal well or because of a weakness in the connective tissue. Therefore, the hernia can appear when coughing, when lifting a very heavy object or during pregnancy.

Hernias can be found in different areas, as explained below:

1 Ingle – a femoral hernia presents a lump below the groin (more common in women); On the other hand, a hernia (more common in men) is a swelling in the groin that can reach the scrotum

2 The upper part of the stomach – hiatus or a hiatal hernia, it is the upper part of the stomach that pushes upwards out of the abdominal cavity, and into the thoracic cavity through an opening in the diaphragm

3 Navel – a lump around this area is produced by an umbilical hernia

Surgical scar – a past abdominal surgery can lead to an incisional hernia through the scar resulting from it.

What causes a hernia?

There is usually no obvious reason for a hernia, with the exception of an incisional hernia, which is itself a complication of abdominal surgery. The risk of developing a hernia increases with age and is more common in men than in women.

A hernia can be congenital – present at birth – or develop in children with weakness in the abdominal wall.

Certain activities and medical problems increase the pressure in the abdominal wall and can lead to a hernia, among these are:

• Efforts to defecate, as a result of long-term constipation

• A long-term cough

• Cystic fibrosis

• Enlargement of the prostate

• Effort when urinating

• Overweight or obesity

• Abdominal fluid

• Lifting heavy objects

• Peritoneal dialysis

• Bad nutrition

• Smoke

• Physical effort

• Testicles not descended.

Signs and symptoms of a hernia

Many hernias do not show any problem, showing an asymptomatic painless inflammation.

Hernias can cause discomfort and pain, which can get worse when standing, physical exertion, or heavy lifting. Most people finally consult a doctor when the pain and inflammation have increased.

Hernias can cause an emergency in need of surgery, such as when a part of the intestine becomes blocked or when strangulation occurs due to a hernia.

Immediate medical attention should be sought if a hernia causes acute abdominal discomfort, such as:

• Pain

• Sickness

• Vomiting

Inflammation in these cases is usually firm and sensitive and usually does not tolerate strong pressure in the area of ​​the abdomen.

A hiatal hernia can produce symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, generating a sensation of acidity when stomach acid enters the oesophagus.

Why should a hernia be taken care of?

Because when it appears most likely it will tend to grow and increase in size, which could result in an increasingly severe complication. In this case, the intestine or tissue could get caught and severely interrupt digestion. In addition, if the intestine is strangulated, the intestinal loop will eventually die, and there is a risk of gangrenous, life-threatening.

Tests and diagnosis of a hernia

The diagnosis of a hernia is usually simple, usually, the doctor will be able to see and feel it.

Your doctor may ask you to bend or lean, as well as move while he feels for a hernia. You may also be asked to cough, as this may enlarge the lump.

The doctor may order an examination of images for a hernia, such as an ultrasound to help visualize the problem. A computed tomography (CT) is also considered as an option for this type of tests.

Treatment: How to get rid of a hernia

The first thing that should be taken into account is to lose weight in case the person is obese because overweight will not allow an appropriate cure for a hernia and only aggravate and accentuate quickly. A strict depurative diet should be done to eliminate fats and toxins and help tissues to be strengthened with quality foods, such as fresh vegetables, whole grains and supplements such as spirulina algae, oils and vegetable milk.

Once it has been confirmed that there is a hernia, it is necessary not to make exaggerated physical efforts and not to saturate the stomach with food in case the hernia is in the area of ​​the abdomen.

When the contents of the hernia sac can slide easily to its original site, there is no immediate danger. However, one of the treatments in case of advanced hernias is the surgical intervention and the placement of a mesh. You will need surgery if you have pain or discomfort, in hernias that may be at a higher risk of complications, and in cases of incarceration or strangulation (when the contents of a hernia lose their blood supply due to prolonged entrapment).

It is necessary to maintain an adequate diet for early recovery in case of surgical intervention, and you must follow a quality diet daily, do not consume products such as flours or refined sugars, cow’s milk and dairy products, etc.). Red meat should be reduced to the maximum and try to increase the consumption of vegetables and pure water. It is recommended to practice, in addition, a physical activity that helps to keep the tissues of the body well oxygenated and nourished. The yoga can be an excellent alternative.

Grocare Herbal treatment against acidity caused by a hernia

This treatment also works as an alternative to relax muscles and abdominal tissues.

The 2 tablets of Hernica is an excellent remedy for stomach, relaxes and helps also to fight gastritis, gastric ulcer and heartburn. Helps evacuate congested bile You should take the tablets lukewarm water.

The infusions of Hernica and Xembran are very effective contra the gastric reflux caused by hernias.

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