Travelling Within And The Yoga Of Beautiful Living [Video]

liloumace  September 8 2013

Josh teaches Sanskrit, Yoga Philosophy & Meditation, and leads workshops and Teacher Trainings throughout the US and abroad. He is also a licensed psychotherapist with a Transpersonal and Yoga Psychology-based counseling practice, working at One Medical Group in San Francisco, CA. – Source


Transform Your Life In 10 Minutes With Ancient ‘Youthing’ Practice

If you need more zest and zip in your life, the secret to these states and more can be found in a set of simple (yet profound) yogic exercises known as the “Five Tibetans.” Developed by Buddhist monks and brought to the West in the 1930s, Tibetan yoga is a series of five movements that improve digestion and circulation while dispelling fatigue and depression. Advocates of the practice rave about the boundless energy, clarity and vitality the short daily sessions produce. And many also believe Tibetan yoga reverses the hands of time, promoting an ageless and disease free body.

Yoga and health

yogaYoga in general has long been associated with reduced tension, stress and anxiety in those who regularly practice. A study in the Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health found that a single 60-minute session of yoga once per week improved feelings of clarity, energy, confidence and resistance to workplace stress after six weeks of participation. Since stress strongly contributes to the development of disease, the health implications of yoga are impressive.

Tibetan yoga is unique, as the benefits are felt almost immediately with minimal time investment. The five yogic exercises are said to quickly balance the hormonal system, which, in turn, promotes longevity, deflects disease and slows aging.

Individuals who practice Tibetan yoga report: Continue reading

4 Ways Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight

Natural Society March 29 2013

Any form of exercise is better than no activity at all, but some fitness options are better than others. While high intensity exercises are often recommended for weight loss, a less physically intense exercise can also be utilized – yoga. It is a time-tested solution for a variety of health concerns, and long before it became a fitness craze it was used for spiritual reasons, making this form of exercise a cut above the rest.

Yoga has been around for thousands of years, practiced by the people of Northeast Africa (in the case of Kemetic yoga), India, and Asia. It has since traveled around the world as people have embraced both the ancient practice and more modern variations to help people lower stress levels, treat depression, fight disease, and lose weight.

Here are a few ways yoga can aid in weight loss.

1. Muscle Toning

The better muscle tone you have, the straighter you’ll stand, the more athletic you’ll look, and the more calories you will burn even at rest. Yoga helps sculpt and tone by engaging a variety of muscles in static poses and slow and controlled graceful movements.

2. Calorie Burning

In most cases, you have to burn calories to lose weight. And while we burn some calories even while at rest, yoga can be a good burn-boosting workout. Certain moves raise your heart rate more than others. Sun salutations (vinyasas) are known for getting the blood flowing. A step-by-step guide for a vinyasa workout can be found here.

3. Optimized Digestion

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