Google Actively Censors Natural Health Websites to Protect Big Pharma 

googleJayson Veley – These people (including workers at Facebook, Twitter, and especially Google) think nothing of undermining the United States Constitution and the freedom of speech in order to fulfill the Left’s twisted political agendas.

Silicon Valley’s ongoing and seemingly unstoppable censorship of the Internet is, to a large extent, planting the seeds of tyranny in the fabric of America.

Google censors content it doesn’t like

Late last month, Ray Gano published an article on his website discussing how Google is suppressing medical information and other content that the company deems unfit for readers.

On page 108 of Google’s handbook, for example, Google states that “pages that directly contradict well established scientific or medical consensus for queries seeking scientific or medical information” are suppressed on its search engine, “unless the query indicates the user is seeking an alternative viewpoint.” Continue reading

Are Google and YouTube Blocking Searches for Red Pill Videos?

red pillKarin McQuillan – A year or so ago, there were a spate of articles about the red pill videos on YouTube – millennials turning off to the bullying by feminists and race hustlers, thinking for themselves, becoming conservative, and posting a video of their personal journey from blue to red online. I googled ‘red pill’ and had a cheerful time following links. I learned about Candace Owens at that time, and a lot of other black and white millennials who had posted articulate, heartfelt, intimate, sometimes funny YouTubes explaining why they’d become conservative.

For months afterward, when I was sick of all the bad news about millennials becoming little fascists, I would turn to the red pill videos and cheer myself up.  And then I found I could no longer find them.  When I went to YouTube and searched for red pill, all I got was the documentary by that name (worth seeing) available for $3.99.

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Who Is Really Behind YouTube’s Censorship? [Video]

Alexandra BruceThe Truth Factory channel is the innovator of using a kitten avatar in order to keep the YouTube censor bots off her trail. She’s gotten great at making these expertly-edited pieces infused with Reddit humor and with commentary that is so on the money, one wonders how long her channel will stay up.

Her latest video is about the questionable NGOs tasked by the Trusted Flaggers Program with censoring content posted to YouTube and other social media platforms – or rather, the only two groups that are willing to be publicly-acknowledged: The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), both of which have deviated from their legitimate civil rights work to become manufacturers of hate crimes, all the better to raise more money to perpetuate their existence, in the “The self-licking ice cream cone” business model. Continue reading

YouTube now attacking your ability to think, speak or question the state

YouTubeMike Adams – YouTube tyranny is in full swing as the dominant video site has turned over video flagging responsibilities to radical left-wing slander groups like the SPLC, famous for flagging just about every Christian and Catholic group across America as some sort of hate group.

“The Southern Poverty Law Center is assisting YouTube in policing content on their platform,” reports The Daily Caller. “The left-wing nonprofit — which has more recently come under fire for labeling legitimate conservative organizations as “hate groups” — is one of the more than 100 nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and government agencies in YouTube’s ‘Trusted Flaggers’ program, a source with knowledge of the arrangement told TheDC.”

Under the control of radicalized left-wing censorship, YouTube has unleashed a censorship rampage over the last week, targeting nearly every prominent conservative, independent media leader and even book authors for termination. (This is what happens when Leftists control things. It’s one more reason to vote against Democrats at every election…) Continue reading