Tetragrammaton – The Most Sacred Knowledge On Our Planet [Video]

Nassim Haramein shares very sacred , important, relevant information for our time. History is being revealed to us in these stories, as well the technological, spiritual, mathematical wisdom that comes along with it.

“We all hold pieces of the puzzle for sure, but this one-hour presentation has been a heart/mind opener for me and perhaps it will be for others, too.”

Hat tip Barbara!

SF Source MANA_STAR Network Mar 2018

2 thoughts on “Tetragrammaton – The Most Sacred Knowledge On Our Planet [Video]

  1. My understanding about what was actually inside the Ark of the Covenant comes from Barbara Hand Clow’s work, especially her book, The Pleiadian Agenda. According to Clow the Ark held uranium, and was taken to Egypt from Ur by Isaiah, where he, Isaiah, was imprisoned in the Temple of Solomon to work with the energy of the crocodiles… thus aligning the energy of reptiles and water with the extraordinary power of uranium. (See also Drunvalo Melchizedek’s work with respect to working with reptiles to garner power.) The Hebrews took the Ark from the Temple of Solomon with them when they left Egypt and as described in this video, were discovered for their theft and pursued. Moses used the uranium in the Arc to accomplish the acts as described… separating the waters of the Red Sea, a flame by night, and a cloud by day to lead the people… think small atomic bomb, and the Hebrews escaped. Since that time, uranium has been the one element that nations fight over, confiscate lands for, and threaten with. Think Mr. Bundy and his ranch lands or Ms. H. Clinton with her uranium deals. Perhaps the reason is because the reptilian stem of humans’ brains still equates uranium with personal survival. On a more recent note, it is becoming obvious that children being born recently have less of the reptilian stem and more frontal lobe, which lobe is connecting both sides of the brain. See Joseph Chilton Pearce’s work…. B.

    1. Sorry, got some of that convoluted. Abraham took the Arc from Ur to Egypt. Moses took the Arc from the Great Pyramid in Egypt across the Red Sea to the Temple of Solomon. Isaiah was an initiate in the Temple of Solomon and because of his abilities worked with the reptilian energies combined with the uranium of the Arc and water. Anyway, it’s no wonder that the uranium was encased in stone both in the Great Pyramid and in the Arc. However, interestingly, oh, well, at least to me, is that uranium has a half life and thus it may be that those who continue to covet the Arc of the Covenant as it is now housed in the Dome of the Rock, which was built over the Temple of Solomon are working with an energy that no longer exists. Okay, that’s it. I’ll go back to being human! Love B.

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