The 2010 Census Was Used to create the Algorithm That Stole US Election 2020

This is a stunning video and represents the best presentation to show how the 2020 election was determined; not by actual people voting but by algorithms inserted into election tabulation machines.  {Direct Rumble Link}

Dr. Douglas G Frank explains information he discovered as he reviewed election outcomes. Dr. Frank found the baseline for the 2020 vote was created by applying an algorithm that used the 2010 census to fabricate the illusion of registered voters at a state level (predetermined) and then results are controlled at a county level.

Every state is impacted, and every county within the state generates the exact same age and voter registration ratio.   So far they have identified 3,006 counties with the exact same predictable voter outcome and ratio. This really is a must watch:

SF Source Conservative Tree House Aug 2021

2 thoughts on “The 2010 Census Was Used to create the Algorithm That Stole US Election 2020

  1. The miss-sync of the video and audio made this video irritating.

    He is going out of his way to avoid providing any evidence of anything improper as he describes layers of planning and manipulation that would be necessary and that “In a nutshell” prove election fraud. Then instead of actually providing any evidence of any algorithm manipulating the election voting data, he provides an example of a dataset that, if observed, would be evidence that that dataset was produced by an algorithm. But his example is also an obvious algorithm that seems to be going out of it’s way to make itself obvious and easily detectable when it could very easily have been written to conceal itself and be less obvious.

    At 8 minutes in he says he has begun showing how he figured out that his suggested fraud occurred, but instead he spends some more time trying to verify his credentials. When he finally gets to the supposedly fraudulent data, he takes the age distribution data from the 2010 census, then he age adjusts it and adds some unspecified number of fatalities, and the database of actual registered voters in the same jurisdiction and finds that they are closely correlated (if you only look at data above the age of 30 at least). Yes, two different ways of measuring population distribution of two identical populations produce roughly identical results. His first (and therefore most persuasive?) argument is evidence of exactly nothing. He does not add anything more suspicious or persuasive after that. He says “I’ve just explained how our elections are being stolen”, without providing any evidence of anything whatsoever.

    I felt like perhaps he is working for the election fraudsters to keep us wasting our time, and decreasing the credibility of anyone (like Dinesh D’Souza) who may actually have evidence of fraud. This appears to be a silly manipulation of data to make it appear suspicious in some way. He doesn’t provide any evidence for his theory of artificially inflated voters, or artificially cast votes. In fact he admits that these same supposedly suspicious voter patterns are observed in every jurisdiction run by both REPs and DEMs, using every type of election software.

    The only thing that could be considered slightly suspicious is that there is always, at every age, in every jurisdiction, slightly more registered voters than the census projected population would appear to justify. When people move they frequently get left on the voter rolls of their old jurisdiction, also when people die the same happens. This occurs in every jurisdiction. Immigrants also, more or less uniformly, inflate the total above what age adjusted census data would justify. Frequently, when dead voters are detected, spouses or kids will be found to have voted on the dead relatives behalf. Getting relocated and dead voters off the voter roles is a problem and state laws frequently make it difficult to clean up the voter roles quickly. He sites another article discussing this issue of inflated voter roles but it does not add anything to support his argument.

    1. Yes. The recording is very annoying. That said, this is one very important piece of evidence concerning HOW algorithms were derived from census data and utilized within software to cheat successfully. Here, the question answered is how machines were programmed to stay within certain statistically-defined parameters. This is one piece of evidence.

      There is much much MUCH more evidence of cheating across the entire country – from local to national levels. This cheating – aka TREASON – was across the board (media, justice system, legislatures, educational cesspools), and it was that collaboration of traitors who decided the “win” for our dementia-stricken, morally bankrupt Obama-administration front man/puppet aka known globally as Brandon. This treasonous theft must be corrected if our country is to return to being controlled by We the People and not TRAITORS within the gates established in all important positions within institutions and governance. -g

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