The Revelation Wave…

eclipseLorna Bevan – Get ready to feel the waves of reality – shifting photonic light accelerating you into the very different astrology of 2021. This is a huge week, starting with a Total Solar Eclipse followed by the two largest planets in the Solar system – Jupiter and Saturn – moving into Aquarius one after the other.

The epochal Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction re-setting the zeitgeist for the next 200 years happens the following week at the December 21st Solstice, delivering an inbreath of fresh air and a radically new beginning.

For much more on what that means for you, get “Your Survive and Thrive Guide to 2021”

The Evolutionary Burn

The December 14 2020 Total Solar Eclipse at 23° Sagittarius anchors a shock window that extends from the 7th – 21st December (!) along with signature extreme seismic disturbance. Everything feels different. Remind yourself that this deep space eclipse wave is not head stuff – it’s somatic, physical, integrative. You may experience a cocktail of tension, anxiety, bliss, exhaustion, clearing, freedom … side effects of Embodiment as the old time-lines are dissolved and permanently deleted.

If you have planets or points between 20-26 degrees of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini or Virgo these will be shaken awake. That area of your life will experience change out of the blue caused by events beyond your control.

This Total Solar Eclipse in Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius between the Great Attractor and the Galactic Centre is a direct line to Source conjunct the karmic South Node of Fate, revealing what has to be left behind in the dustbin of history so that you can move forward in 2021.

You won’t need to search for subtle clues – all sorts of relationships, behaviours, habits, preferences and attitudes will suddenly seem like a total mismatch with who you are now. You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want. You can’t so easily relate to your past anymore. Your soul sees it all as just experience. There is less and less emotional attachment to it. It’s a blessing because this cosmic recycling is making room for new memories.

Ask that quiet voice of wisdom inside you:

what’s heavy, weighing me down?

what or who am I tolerating, putting up with or settling for?

what am I fantasizing about leaving or radically changing?

what would I love to never do again?

what is chronically inflamed?

what is dead in the water?

what no longer has traction?

what am I going to stop doing?

what’s the one thing I’m afraid to say about my life and what am I going to do about it?

The Chandra Symbol for the Solar Eclipse SAGITTARIUS 23: A woman wearing many tiny bells.

“Immersing yourself in the field of new ideas, fresh approaches, and innovative paths, imaginatively and energetically.

Exposing yourself to possibilities, visions, ways to evolve. The body’s wisdom in touch and in tune, sensing the resonance of cellular awakening.

Eager and enthusiastic and bright, you have given over to the process. Always in midstream. Seizing upon opportunities, challenges, openings.

Needing to know just how it feels at the micro levels. What is it like to be free, to be joyous, to be unrestricted, here in the body, in the world?

You seek the full-on motivating spark of knowing what it feels like to be tuned out and discovering what it really means to be tuned in all the way.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Dec 2020

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