The Digital Dehumanization Of Mankind

Julian Rose – Ray Kurzweil doesn’t have a God to honor. He has a machine, and he wants us all to shift to this digital version of the divine. He wants us to become super-computers in all but name. He calls it ‘the singularity’, a name with a quasi-religious ring to it. The singularity stands for ‘the fusion of the real with the synthetic’.

Kurzweil sees this as a supreme act that will end the need for human evolution by transferring the meaning and purpose of life into a ‘real-time’ electro-digital encyclopedia composed of trillions of soulless electrical circuits that ape what we call ‘knowledge’.

He’s not alone in this way of thinking, there’s ZuckerbergSchwabMusk and who knows who else. And then there’s a whole trail of followers stretching out behind, all travelling the same way. Tens of millions, if not billions of them. They don’t describe themselves as believers in ‘the singularity’, they simply worship the same digital totem and allow it to gradually take-over their lives – megabyte by megabyte, gigabyte by gigabyte – until they can no longer be described as human.

When you see people constantly looking downwards, you realize that they are metamorphosing into something less than human. Aspiration – the desire to grow, learn and be more than one is – is an upward moving action.

The impulse of aspiration to a state of higher consciousness, is an upwardly rising movement. As a tree or flower reaches for the light, so do we humans.

But those seduced by their cell phones, iPods, tabs et al. always look down. Down into a place where the only light is the LED powered glow on the face of their appliance.

Slowly but surely humans are being transformed into that which they are addicted to. They are losing their ability to see and respond to the actual Light, their guiding angel and innate link with universal cosmic consciousness. They are loosing their humanity. Their soul is being overridden, short-circuited, deleted.

Whenever one sits in front of a glowing screen one is the subject of hypnosis. One is subconsciously becoming reliant upon that which is the gateway technology into another world of being and perceiving: ‘a virtual world’.

Kurzweil and those billions who adopt his fascination with a virtual existence, are placing a great burden on the rest of life. They are dead weight imposed upon living matter. They are the receivers and transmitters of distorted energy fields – and these fields pollute the natural vibratory fields responsible for the health and well being of all living matter.

People who only look down ‘shed’ their negative vibrations on others in their vicinity. This is a vibratory reality. And when coupled with the actual EMF radiation emanating from that to which they are addicted, the circadian rhythms of the biosphere are drowned-out by a pervasive electro smog.

The Schumann Resonance (7.86 Hertz) which maintains balance of the natural environment, including humans, wildlife and plant life, is pushed into the background, while the synthetic radiation frequencies beamed out from 3,4,5G towers and transmitters, become the predominant energy field.

A voltage field that is dispersed and accentuated by the little pocket time bombs that some 95% of those living and working in Western societies cannot bear to part company with.

But when your best friend is a machine you easily fall victim to its powers.

Man’s love-affair with technology has intensified with each passing decade. There has always been a fascination with that which appears to make daily life more navigable and more ‘convenient’.

But the price to be paid for the ever more high-tech and ‘unrepairable’ digitalized props of the modern age, is far too high. They cannot simply be dismissed as something ‘one can’t do without’.

Food, water, clothes, shelter and medicine belong in that category, but not convenience technologies that kill.

We humans are not machines. We have sensitive physical bodies, astoundingly brilliant brains and exquisite powers of perception and spirituality. The role of the machine is to support this condition, not to override it. To accentuate a creative ‘human scale’ sense of proportion and responsiveness in daily life.

Today’s multifarious tech toys have been weaponized. They were born out of military research and development. They were conceived and designed as intentional weapons and surveillance tools, combined into one.

They come with no health warning, aside from some precautionary small print, less obvious than that associated with plastic toys. Children are urged to enter into long-term relationships with these toxic electro magnetic play things, and with the virtual worlds they draw their owners into – like moths to the flame. They are military accessories, sweetened and domesticated into tools of ‘friendly’ torture. Silent weapons seductively distorting the divine human condition.

Now we begin to see the dire results of having adopted such a blind degree of faith in the fake one-eyed god called ‘progress’, with its Faustian promise of taking us ever closer to the promised land of technological perfection. The transmutation of warm, spontaneous, creative human beings into sterile, soulless cyborgs.

That is the Kurzweil, Zuckerberg, Gates and Schwab agenda for the future of humanity; these dark agents of genocide of the human soul.

So guard your precious, responsive souls with your very life. Never let them be technologically enslaved. Give them the true breathing space they need to make themselves known to you.

For your soul alone knows the true direction to the Promised Land.

SF Source Humans Are Free Jan 2022

One thought on “The Digital Dehumanization Of Mankind

  1. Thank you. Your commentary is justifiably alarming. Maybe looking at the history leading to the present will present a way of unwinding the experience for a new perspective. So humankind was created in version 1 by our creators to live in high vibration on a high vibration planet. Experiencing consciousness from the heart center. And so it was. Later, alien visitors to the planet left their marks on humanity but none so much as the one who modified the dna blueprint which inserted a left/right mind space which then could be controlled. So original humanity lived innately in peace and harmony until consciousness was shifted to mind space. Alluring at first in its prowess of math/logic/structure/analysis, etc. But the system is more honestly like a drain spiral. Like computers at first with the fun and games. But now a machine to determine if you’re jabbed or not. So how do we get our of the mind and back to the heart? This is the question for each person for there is “no place like home”! Talk directly to your spirit who’s essence lives in the sacred place of your heart in the form of a sacred star tetrahedron. It’s like the pearl of an oyster who’s shell is the crystalline power of amplification, magnification, collimation, contraction, expansion and everything else within the magnificent ability of crystals. “I now command my spirit to transfer all mental thought energy into my heart center”. First 3 deep (not too much) breaths. 3 commands OUT LOUD. Count down 10-1, then snap your fingers while saying NOW! Do this morning noon and night, 3 times a day. This alerts spirit that you are willing to experience outside the box of the mind. Spirit will work with you. Be cognizant of spirit presence. It’s not easy, it wasn’t for me. It’s all about persistence and determination to leave this mind prison. The foundation of the cabal is the illusion of time. It’s a tall subject to be unwound. I learned this exercise from Ron Amatron but I have not subscribed to his healing services.

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