The False Matrix Mission Trick

false lightMichelle Walling, CHLC – A popular false light tactic is to make you feel like you are a “chosen one,” with a mission that is above all else, including human relationships and love. Many people jump into healing, websites, and channeling without doing the inner work first, because a “guide” came to them with a message.

We are the ultimate creators, and when we are still operating and creating from lower vibrations everything gets distorted. That is the nature of the reality of the matrix. Everything is backward and upside down, and the truth is that we created it that way. Now it is time to un-create. First we have to recognize what needs to be un-created, and in this case, it is distortion. Distorted healing methods, distorted guides and messengers, and most of all, distorted focus on your true mission.

You are here to be love in a human body, which trumps all else. It transmutes the darkness within and is the main focus of our incarnation. Relationships (not just intimate ones) can help us see the light within ourselves and can help us love ourselves. When another loves us, it make us feel worthy of our own love. Loving yourself first is the highest path, but if we have trouble doing that then relationships are second best. Humans need relation. They need touch and interaction with other humans. Many of us came here just for that reason, and then to do a secondary mission of helping others as we master love.

Only when we find the love and true light within ourselves (by facing our shadow and going within) could we ever begin to be capable or experienced enough to help others do the same. We are ALL chosen ones, at least those of us that are not NPC’s (Non-player characters or soulless beings).

Personally I was so eager to assist humanity that I jumped into sharing information several years ago before I had completely faced my shadow and ego self. I had been told by some people who channeled “Lord” Metatron, Archangel Michael, and Jesus that I was special and here to help humanity. Of course I wanted to complete my mission, mostly so I could hurry up and leave the 3d reality.

I went down a few false light rabbit holes and found my way out by feeling that something was not right about what I was sharing. Perhaps some of us had to go down those rabbit holes so that we could realize the traps and help other from not having to waste their time and energy on it. These traps are all about plugging into us in order to take our energy and keeping us distracted outside of ourselves.

Even the Starseed mission has been hijacked by the dark, as they were able to look into the future to infiltrate every single aspect of what we are here to do. Yes, starseeds are here to help, but one must help themselves first or they are just exacerbating the problem. One of the false light mission tricks was to try to take you to the inner earth or off planet, and even to create another 5d Earth to move you to that was still hooked up to the matrix.

Remember,  the #1 way you can help humanity is to first work on yourself. We are all connected as a collective and as one shifts it affects everyone and everything on Earth. What happens on Earth affects the whole Universe. The self work involves returning your own matrix from a distorted reality to an organic creation.

The real mission for every source being here is to:

Become the example. Unplug from the matrix fear programs. Do your shadow work, and open your heart. Revoke contracts and dissolve false beliefs and programming. Love yourself and be responsible for your thoughts, actions, and words. Learn how to trust your intuition and listen to what your body needs, and let that guide you above anyone else.

When you really figure out the nature of the reality we are in , then share what you have learned. Empower others to do the same. Be mindful of where you place your focus and intentions for creation. If anything else, get your vibration up enough to bypass the false light tunnel if you were to pass out of your physical body.

The help we are getting is in the form of waves of light of higher vibration and love. It is steadily increasing everyone’s vibration but at the same time is causing chaos as the false matrix collapses. It can sometimes feel like a roller coaster ride as we are acclimated with huge bursts of energy and then periods of rest. From a higher perspective outside of time, it may look like one large wave of energy is blasting the planet all at once.

For the long term false light reincarnation solution, because Earth is already vibrating everything higher many people right now would not have a problem with the false light tunnel. The technology used by the grays is at a 4d vibrational frequency. It simply would not be able to magnetize a 5d frequency being. The fear of dying begins to fall away as we realize we never die but just change vibration within the same location until we able to move out of this location.

As much as we would like to go home, we are needed here to be fully present, multidimensional beings grounded in a physical body. We ARE here on a mission but the mission is to transform our reality HERE into 5d and higher by overwriting the false matrix code and this is done with self healing and zero point balance. We will get to go home one day, but for right now the job now is to be “boots on the ground.”

If we abandon Earth and those that we came here to help, then we hand it over to the dark forces that have had control of it for millennia. The more people that realize this and get on the ball with their inner work, the faster this will happen. It is already happening now, and it is important that we continue seeing through false guides that use our ego traps to make us feel more special than others. Anyone who is sitting back blissed out on false light and never ending promise messages is simply delaying our forward progress.

Many people would rather look at anything pretty and shiny rather than looking at themselves. “Out there” will continue to get worse until people understand that the collective is unconsciously creating the outside world through distortions. As awful as it looks, it truly can be cleaned up when people start working together to support each other with healing themselves. This is assisted with the truth about what is really happening in the matrix.

Although this truth cannot be forced upon another, eventually as someone’s life gets too distorted and challenging they have no other choice but to stop and look at why it is happening. One powerfully informed being that unplugs from the matrix brings us one step closer to dissolving it from a lack of creational energy supporting it.

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix Nov 2018

8 thoughts on “The False Matrix Mission Trick

  1. If anything else, get your vibration up enough to bypass the false light tunnel if you were to pass out of your physical body.

    I see this in several newsletters I get now….the false light tunnel and how you should avoid it, but NEVER is there directions as to what TO DO????? Any advice? Am I just to look away? Run? Move to something else, which I at this point wouldn’t have a clue? I’m serious! We have all been programed to go to the light, that we will see loved ones beckoning us. What do we DO instead?

  2. We don’t die? Surely the most basic freedom is to be able to permanently turn consciousness off. And surely we can judge the progenitor of this universe by its fruit. It’s clear to me that duality is a raw, primitive and unattractive platform for consciousness. Its only attraction is to a progenitor who uses it to execute a parasitic strategy. Like a casino owner such a progenitor can capture the upside to duality while all the denizens of its playground capture a disproportionate share of the downside (think Krishna). I didn’t like pep rallies in high school and I like them less now. Hope, optimism and the concept of “progress” and “heaven” are all addictions designed to keep us on the treadmill. Consciousness is a boon only to parasites. The belief that the end justifies the means is proof that a parasitic strategy is at work.

      1. Since you wrote this article, I’d like to see you give your opinion on what souls are supposed to do to avoid going to the “light/trap”.
        I have no idea why authors would say such a thing, but give no alternative to doing exactly what we have been “programed” to do????
        please weigh in on this.
        thank you

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