The February themes are: “Pay Attention and Be Aware”

Pay Attention and Be AwareLena Stevens – This month provides us with many opportunities for a change or reset through unexpected events and situations. If you are paying attention and facing the ocean, you are less likely to be taken out by that sleeper wave you did not see. And there may be many sleeper waves this month that can catch you unawares if you are not present.

Especially during the first part of the month, when we have aspects that can continue shaking things up, it is important to stay aware of what is leaving, what is coming in, and what is right in front of you. You could be challenged at times to stay neutral and out of reaction and to use the acceptance goal of the year, observation, and the attitude of pragmatism to navigate sudden and unexpected situations that may be providing an opportunity for change. It is best not to be in resistance or denial.

Flexibility, resilience and a willingness to have an open mind will also be important during this time. If you find yourself being stubborn and holding on to old dynamics, relationships and structures in your life out of fear, you will be more prone to that sleeper wave and may find yourself navigating change with more hardship than necessary. This could cause emotional or physical conflict, accidents, or impulsive behavior with negative consequences.

The upside of this eccentric energy is that it can lift limitations and allow you to have more courage to take a risk in a direction you have only been contemplating but never taking action towards. This could be a relationship (moving towards or away from), a project, a new area of study, a business, a spiritual practice, or just about anything. There is an excitement about what is possible and an enthusiasm to move forward. So, the warning is simply not to be impulsive and to think pragmatically before you leap.

It is also a good time to think outside the box and to come up with new and innovative ideas and solutions to old problems. There is an independent quality that supports breaking out of old beliefs, attitudes and ways of thinking, making it possible to shift something in a big way. This can rattle the balance of things especially in relationships. Keep it kind, always come from a place of compassion, and always make any claim for change about yourself and never about the other person. In other words, stay away from blame and judgment.

The very best way to pay attention and stay aware is by practicing being very present. This is not being paranoid or obsessively hypervigilant. It is simply being present where you are disciplined about not dwelling about the past or worried about the future. If you are walking down a street and not paying attention, you may not see an obstacle in your way and end up tripping. On the other hand, if you are paying attention and not thinking about your next meal or worried about what you said or did in the past, you may notice something inspiring that may stimulate an idea or intention. When you are aware, awake and present you are also available to receive more of what is around you.

Self-awareness is also an important aspect to pay attention to. Be aware of your habits, be aware of your reactions, be aware of your emotions and be aware of how you feel. Use your intuition when rational thought does not give you enough clarity. Also be aware of what wants to change and support it rather than resist it.

We are offering our Shamanic Mindfulness Online Course with Jose on sale to help you ground, balance and be more present this month.

How you navigate the first part of this month where the energy is more volatile, will set you up for the latter part of the month when the influences settle down and there is opportunity for assimilation, integration and re-evaluation. Resist impulsive decisions until this more balanced time in the month when there is more clarity. For now, your intention should be for more self-awareness and movement in the direction of improvement, satisfaction, and right relationship, purpose and path.

This month’s support audio has a great process for practicing awareness and staying present.

How the month shows up:

You Personally

We continue the clearing out of what no longer serves. There is a need to trust that what is leaving your field is necessary and that what is coming in is something you are creating for a purpose. Self-awareness and paying attention to what you need and what you don’t need is the gift you will receive when you practice this awareness. There is tremendous growth this month as you adapt to change and face an unknown and unpredictable future.

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SF Source The Power Path Feb 2023

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