The Floor is Lava – April 2022 Energies

April energySarah Petruno – It has been quite a while since I’ve given a public energy update. I do this several times a month in my Moon Circle container, and of course, in private sessions and mentoring.

Having received the same message multiple times over the past week, I felt it was too important not to share.

The last time I shared, the overall theme was that lightworkers, a select group at least, were being held in a kind of suspended motion while their mission and purpose and exact way they were serving was being re-organized. A reassignment, if you will.

Many of you have felt this over the past months, feeling directionless, unclear, or like there’s a shift in how you’re serving, but just not able to put your finger on how or what the next direction is.

Then, you get a burst of clarity, and oh wait, it’s gone again.

What Spirit has been showing this past week or two, is that something different is happening now, and that there’s a shifting happening in the energy grid of the earth, and also, in the collective energetic climate all around us.

So, the lack of clarity, uncertainty, and lack of direction that many are feeling is, at least in part, due to this energy shift that is occurring all around us.

Many have reported to me that they are having difficulty grounding themselves and this is also a side effect of these shifting energies.

What Spirit has showed me is that because the grid is shifting under and around us, many of us are being held in protection and light as we await these changes and can reconnect, reground, and re-find whatever our mission, purpose, and path is to be in the period going forward once again.

You’ll find yourself feeling indecisive, wishy washy, and in general, not seeing a clear path forward- and that’s okay!

Many of you will be carving your own path forward where one does not yet exist. This can feel scary and uncertain because it’s new, but not because you are incapable or not able to do it.

You must remember that you specifically incarnated during this time and for a lot of you – this is your time to really shine. It’s like, the moment your soul came to be here and was waiting for.

Yes, Spirit acknowledges that even though your soul incarnated to help, guide, and assist during this very difficult time as a human, they understand that to be physically present and living as a human can also be incredibly difficult and sitting with that discomfort is not something they are discounting – they know it’s hard.

And they also want to remind you that you literally came to be of service, in whatever way that looks for you, during this time.

During these shifting collective and grid energies, each day may bring up different feelings, and one day you may feel super clear and connected, and the next day not. This is part of the process and there will be a time when the shift settles down and you can feel more grounded and have a clearer direction.

But right now, we are in flux.

unsettled energy

Some things that are helping me:

Grounding by laying against a tree.

Go outside, find a tree you like, and lean against it for a good time. Talk to the tree. Imagine the tree helping you ground and pull your roots down. Make a friend with this tree!

Clarity and Highest Potential essential oils from Young Living.

I view these oils less as aromatherapy, though I like good smells, and more as vibrational and energetic plant tools. They each are intentionally blended for a purpose and each have an energy vibration that when applied or diffused, your energies rises to meet. This is called attunement. As your energy meets the vibration, it also releases anything not in alignment with that vibration!

I put a few drops of Clarity on a washcloth in a shower and the energy of this oil really helps me clear myself and feel clearer in direction and purpose. I also will put a drop of this behind my ears or on my temples.

Highest Potential is an oil I haven’t worked with for a while, but just started to again. I like diffusing this one with grapefruit for the mood boost and uplifting energy, and find that Highest Potential helps me over several days and weeks, get clearer with myself and help me see what I’m here to do!! I also like putting a drop of this behind my ears, over my heart, or even in my hair!!

Get oils here

Hope all this information helps you, brings you some reassurance, and guides you! If you found it helpful, please share!

xo, Sarah

SF Source Sarah Petruno Apr 2022

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