The Impact of Language and Sounds on Us

Language and Sounds and their Impact on US!Jill Mattson – Ancient Sages appreciated the power of sounds in languages. Many religions still conduct masses in Latin, rituals and ceremonies using extinct languages – because the ancient sounds are considered sacred.

Some believe that as civilizations changed so did their languages, which subtly brought about mental, emotional and physical changes to people – because they were exposed to different sounds.

As man “involved” into matter throughout the ages… he came further into the experience of duality and further away from God. Therefore, extinct languages create sounds in which man was closer to God and not as immersed into the experience of duality. That is why the language of Sanskrit is referred to as an ancient language of light. That is also why some people find that listening to a Catholic mass in Latin feels holy. The sounds of the language have an impact on the people who hear it. It is not the meaning of the words, but the energy of the sounds that is important.

Different intervals, phonemes, and combinations of vowel sounds create different harmonics and precise subtle impacts on the body…changing the information (in the form of brain waves, emotions and impact on your physical body) that your body is exposed to. Notice that the people who speak oriental languages have general population characteristics that are different than people who speak African dialects! One impact on these civilization is the sounds they create with their own voices!

The ancient languages of light were said to be more powerful than today’s languages, as their sounds and the things they symbolized were identical. Today our languages are more symbolic. In a way this is good, as people can do less damage with hurtful words, in a symbolic language versus a language of light.

SF Source Jill’s Wings of Light Jul 2022

3 thoughts on “The Impact of Language and Sounds on Us

  1. You make some good points. But what does this mean? What should we do? Is there a “Sacred” language? If so, how do we find it? And spread it? Did we lose it when the Tower of Babel was cast down? Will we be forever searching for it?

    Are there sacred sounds? Is it the Music of the Spheres?

    With all of these questions, there is no simple and easy answer. It is like the “eating an elephant” question – one bite at a time. But where does one start. I am all ears.

    1. Yes, I hear you. This article lands on a weak conclusion. “Today our languages are more symbolic. In a way this is good, as people can do less damage with hurtful words, in a symbolic language versus a language of light.”
      What a shame the author has concluded we shouldn’t be trusted with the empowerment of light language because we’re damage generators.
      Even so, light language is the native language to etheric consciousness. We all know this but are experiencing consciousness from behind a veil by agreement. This will all change as we evolve through this experience and return to the heart mind. The reptilian brain dominance of our experience has left us largely hypnotized by words. Although the reptilian brain was designed to be programmable and controllable, the heart mind is not and cannot be programmed.
      Scaler energy is understood as innately intelligent light. The lowest level of creational energy that is akin to the machine code which drives computers. It is empowered in the order of creation.
      We speak through a prison of vocabulary systems. This is like a digital circle with low resolution so you can see the jagged fixed points which make up the digital circle. As opposed to one who uses a protractor to draw the continuously variable circle. Analog vs. digital is somewhat like the comparison between vocabulary communication versus light language communication.
      The journey to light language communication is like the journey from a brain dominated experience to a heart dominated experience. Words do not work for the heart. There is so much more. Yet the heart’s spirit is present and willing to communicate with you on the basis you present.

    2. Hi Andrew, you, too, make some good points. I can attest to what Jill is saying about the loss of “something” in today’s language. That is getting increasingly worse with the breakdown in basic English grammar and poor language usage being driven by the Dark Side. If nothing else, the attempts to dumb down the language by the Dark Side is a sure sign that language matters.

      My personal experience was in the shift from the Roman Latin High Mass to the modern versions (“modern” for me is back in the 70s when I quit that religion. I understand since then it’s gotten worse).

      I can still hear the cloistered nuns singing the Kyrie Elieson. They did it without all the accompaniments in this version -just voices.

      Many traditions use sounds to invoke spirit. The “HU” chant by the Eckankar centers. Also many African tribes that keep the ancient traditions intact.

      Interesting comments. -g

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