The Incredible Health Benefits Of Honey

CBD honey sticksNatural medicines have been used for centuries for their health benefits and to address common ailments.

But one, in particular, stands out among the rest. It’s been used for nearly 6,000 years by civilizations across the world.

Ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Vikings, and the native Americans of the western hemisphere are known for using it.

It’s the only insect-derived medicine in the world sourced from the sweet nectar of flowers.

We are, of course, talking about honey.

Honey can be blended into teas and beverages, mixed into skin creams, infused with herbs or hemp extracts into honey sticks, substituted for sugar to make cookies and sweets, and even fermented into an alcoholic beverage known as mead.

Modern science has found it to be highly nutritional, effective as a cosmetic, and a beneficial therapeutic for everyday wellness.

You can take honey every day. Here are five incredible ways it benefits the body.


One of honey’s first uses in ancient medicine was wound care. Scrapes, cuts, burns, and even severe wounds were often covered in honey to help the healing process.

While our ancestors probably didn’t understand its science, modern research has confirmed its anti-bacterial properties.

When human tissue sustains injuries, the body responds by producing certain chemicals to begin combatting infection. Honey’s anti-viral and anti-bacterial action is attributed, in part, to stimulating leukocytes. These cells are present in the blood and are responsible for fighting foreign substances. Honey appears to stimulate these cells to produce proteins called cytokines, which signal to the body that the healing process needs to be activated.


Wounds also tend to be inflamed, and honey plays a role in reducing this inflammation.

But honey’s anti-inflammatory benefits don’t stop there.

According to an extensive review of its macronutrients and active compounds, honey may benefit those with cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and arthritis.

Research into the bioactivity of honey shows that it takes a two-pronged approach to combat inflammation. It first suppresses pro-inflammatory agents in the body, and secondly, it stimulates the production of anti-inflammatory modulators.

Gastrointestinal Support

Honey’s anti-inflammatory functions are also believed to be the reason why it appears to help those suffering from ulcers, which are essentially internal wounds.

Natural honey treatments spanning several days or weeks of use have been shown to significantly reduce the macro and microscopic lesions associated with ulcerative colitis. It can also help reduce chronic gastric ulcers.

The bioactive compounds in honey significantly contribute to the gastrointestinal tract’s homeostasis.

Cardiovascular Health

Clinical trials have shown that honey’s anti-inflammatory functions may improve heart health.

Taking just 75 grams (5 tablespoons) of honey daily may help reduce LDL-cholesterol levels, especially when consumed with other healthy foods.

In a 30-day study, researchers found that honey reduced cardiovascular risk factors. In particular, patients with elevated risk factors saw benefits during the course of the study.


Diabetes is one of the most common health conditions in the United States.

While honey is high in sugars, it is thought that they are healthier than the processed sugars commonly used in Western diets.

Study patients taking honey did not see increased weight gain, which is one factor that contributes to the increased risk of diabetes.

Moreover, those taking honey saw significant decreases in the glycemic index in Type 1 diabetes.

A Natural Medicine Like No Other

There are numerous other health concerns for which honey may be beneficial, including cancer, asthma, and neurological disease.

While honey alone will likely not provide a cure for these serious conditions, when combined with a targeted treatment plan, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that it may offer benefits to those suffering from them.

Raw, unprocessed honey is the most effective because it maintains the natural nutrients honey bees produce. It can be purchased directly from bee farmers and grocery stores that include clear product labeling.

Our ancestors used it to treat medical conditions, and there’s no reason we shouldn’t be taking it daily too!

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