The Integrity of Truth is Emerging

The Integrity of Truth is EmergingLee Carroll – Let’s examine a quote from Kryon:. “Light will find its highest level, truth will find its highest level and it just takes time.”

What does Kryon mean by that phrase?

I want everybody to take a deep breath for a moment. This statement is new for our time. It really is. It’s beautiful. It wasn’t always this way on the planet. Have you got that? In fact, in an older energy, everyone knew that corruption and untruth won the day.

Our history is filled with it, folks. I mean, it’s just absolutely filled with this. Humans in leadership positions in the past often created wars to sell weapons so they could profit. You know this. War became a business, and probably still is. Conquerors wanted resources for that. That’s why they went to war.

Human life didn’t matter much. Look at how many people got killed. How long did that go on? The answer of course is that it was always the way of it. Right now in certain parts of the planet, it still is.

I think you know that, but what is changing is the awareness of light. Suddenly, with this new energy on the planet, the very core of how we perceive things is changing. Things that were in the dark, that was the way of it for centuries, are starting to show themselves.

Did you notice? Awful things that used to be the norm, seemingly forever, are starting to be revealed and it is no longer okay. So a new premise is upon us.

Truth, and the light of truth, and the integrity of truth will eventually emerge. You can’t stop it, folks. You can’t stop it. You can suppress it, you can bury it, you can deny it, but you can’t stop the emergence of truth and light.

“Lee, I don’t believe you.” You can deny it, but the truth and light are always going to float to the top.

That’s what’s going on right now. I love this.

Love and Blessings, Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi

SF Source Kryon Nov 2022

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