The main theme for December is “Get Inspired”

The main theme for December is “Get Inspired”Lena Stevens – December is a big month and not entirely all beauty and fun, as we are still under sluggish influences keeping us focused internally, filtering and weeding out the debris of old emotional baggage, relationships that don’t support us, habits that don’t serve us, and responsibilities that are not ours. The good news is that we are very slowly moving out of the intense grind of the past several months that for many of us has been very challenging.

The most important area of growth and focus this month is around the reflection of what inspires you and whether you have what inspires you active in your life at this time or not. We have some powerful points of change with the full moon and the solstice times that will hold your feet to the fire in this process of observation making it one not so easily ignored.

Whatever is not inspiring will become painfully obvious and you will have opportunities to make choices, decisions and adjustments. There are a lot of aspects to inspiration that will be affected this month beginning with the personal self. Are you inspired by who you are? Self-esteem issues are on the table and there will be many chances to forgive the past and reset one’s relationship to self.

Other areas of inspiration and reflection are, relationships, your personal environment, your work, study, habits, patterns, beliefs, responsibilities, intentions, projects and all the things that you have or are planning to have on your plate. Question your inspiration in each of these areas. Are you inspired by what you have, do, think or believe? Tell the truth about your enthusiasm and passion without comparing yourself to others or to an old dream.

Beauty also plays an important part as beauty is a necessary ingredient to inspiration. It is difficult to generate enthusiasm and to be inspired when we are dealing with challenging situations and sluggish energy. When you actively bring beauty in, it helps to reset the environment to being more conducive to inspiration.

December is a good month to prepare for what is coming. We have been moving towards change in fits and starts, some of it feeling positive and generating optimism, and some of it bringing up disappointment and discouragement.

Wherever you are personally with this greater cycle of change, the most important focus this month will be to get inspired and realigned with your passion and what is true for you. There may be many things that require an adjustment including relationships, work, habits, the way you use your energy and time, boundaries and responsibilities.

This is not an easy month and will require discipline and focus so that you don’t succumb to feeling discouraged, despondent, irritated, impatient, confused, victimized, overwhelmed and cynical. It is important to acknowledge the shadow and express emotions as long as they are not projected onto others in blame or judgment. Emotional expression with release and clearing can be very inspiring as a path to freedom where your curiosity can take you into something new. The reflection of what inspires you will definitely bring up personal reactions to people, circumstances, responsibilities and environments that you have been putting up with that are not inspiring to you. You then have a choice to either infuse them with inspiration or let them go. If you ignore them, it will not go well.

It is also important this month not to become frustrated with how slowly things seem to move or how unclear the way forward seems to be. Get in sync with the slower energy instead of being in resistance to it. Listen to your intuition and open yourself up to following a dreamy future thread even if the details are not yet obvious. It will be best to consider lightening your load, your schedule and your expectations of yourself and others this month so you don’t run out of steam and feel so overwhelmed that you cannot enjoy the season.

This month’s support audio has a great process to help energetically with getting more inspiration into your life.

We are offering our entire library of 21 online courses at 25% off this month, along with gift certificates so you can share with others during this time.

How the month shows up:

You Personally

Get in sync with the current pace and you will have an easier time of it this month. Take whatever you can off your plate to avoid overwhelm. Get comfortable with not knowing the details of the future.

Take as much time as you can this month to reflect on inspiration and whether you have enough of it in your life or not. Many things can happen on a personal level this month. Rebooting spiritual practices will set up a good container for bringing in more inspiration.

Fortifying your boundaries and being able to say no to unreasonable expectations, responsibilities that are not yours, and unnecessary expenditures of energy will also help to clear the space for you to rekindle enthusiasm and inspiration moving forward. Choosing a new area of study and having the courage to go for it can also inspire you. The key words are “new” and “inspiring.”

There is an opportunity for a big release, like an exhale this month as you let go of effort and related stress from something that is not supporting or inspiring to you any longer. This could … continue reading

SF Source The Power Path Dec  2022

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