The main theme for May is “All about balance”

balanceLena Stevens – It is time to take a good hard look at what is out of balance in your life and make some serious choices about bringing in more balance and making the necessary changes to bring yourself and your life back into balance.

If you look around and reflect on the state of things in the world, there is a lot that is out of balance. Just in terms of climate and weather we have either too much or too little of the resources we need, causing stress and destruction instead of productive outcome.

It does not help to blame, as blame is easy. The responsibility has to begin with each one of us individually, looking deep within to identify the imbalances we have been living with, putting up with, or blind to, and then setting a strong intention to correct the course towards a more balanced life.

What feels out of balance in your life despite what you or others think? If you are a moving centered person where action is your primary way of responding, too much mental time sitting at a desk or working a computer is not going to provide you with the balance you need.

If you are an emotional type, an absence of art, beauty, music, creativity and human connection will feel like drought conditions and affect your well-being. If you are a mental rational thinking type, too much emotional chaos, movement, change, clutter and human congestion can cause tremendous stress. The balance is carving out simple alone time to process and assimilate one thing at a time without overwhelm.

All of us have all three response types within us with a favorite primary. The key is to balance all three so you get enough simple thinking and assimilation time, enough emotional inspiration and expression time, and enough physical movement time.

The other aspects of imbalance are between doing and being and between taking care of our own needs as opposed to the needs of others. If you are always compromising yourself towards someone else’s needs and desires, you can lose sight of what you need to keep you balanced and healthy.

In terms of being vs doing, unfortunately we are a society that has greatly rewarded hard work thus encouraging an unbalanced life of over achievement, workaholism and overwhelm. The state of “being” was identified as wasting time, being lazy and unproductive. There is a need to reset how we “work”.

We all need to find balance between work, play, rest and study. The work should be true work, something that you enjoy and makes you feel like you are contributing your service. Rest should be true rest (not sleep). Play should be fun and with people you love to be around or doing something you love that is fun for you. Study should be learning something that you personally have an interest in.

Most of us spend way too much time trying to juggle what we think we ought to do to make everyone happy and what we truly want to do that feeds us and only us. If you take balance seriously this month you are likely to disappoint others at times. Don’t take it personally. Allow them the responsibility for their own balance and for creating what they need for themselves.

Balance is having just enough, not too much, not too little. Part of working internally with balance is to acknowledge the elements of nature that we have a relationship with and work with right balance as they relate to our bodies and energy systems.

Earth, air, water and fire are always striving for balance within our physicality, and when they are imbalanced we not only struggle with physical issues but the environment around us responds as well and we can experience extremes in their expression on the planet. (there is a very good exercise for working with balance and the elements on the monthly support audio)

A big area of imbalance is our relationship with time and whether we experience having too much time, not enough time, time that is not our own, time that feels unproductive, time that feels pressured etc. Organizing your time, making time for yourself and your needs will go a long way to set up a better foundation for balance. How do you spend your time and with whom? Do you like how you spend your time? If not, what can you change?

As you reflect on what is out of balance in your life, it is important to stay out of martyrdom and realize that you always have a choice. It is also important to acknowledge that you will never please everyone so it is perhaps time to look to your needs first. If you can bring your life into more balance, it will have a ripple effect on all your relations and begin to bring your environment back into balance as well.

Making choices about balance will certainly mean giving something up. That something could be something that you said yes to that you should not have or it could be an unsupportive relationship or even your habit of constant worry. As you take an inventory of the “stuff” (physical, emotional and mental) in your life, ask yourself if it is serving you, if it brings balance, if it is necessary, or if it is important.

Some things that seem important to you are not important to others and this is where you stay in your own lane and create good boundaries around your own truth. Everyone is different and diversity as it pertains to balance should be acknowledged. So, stay out of judgment of others, make your own choices, and keep good boundaries. (to support this, we are putting our online course on boundaries and protection at a discount of 50% for the month of May)

How the month shows up:

You Personally

It is a time of great transformation and the window between the 2 eclipses offers us the opportunity to examine what is out of balance, work on our self-esteem, eliminate what does not serve and reset ourselves on a new trajectory of greater balance in our lives. It is not an easy time as we reflect on an identity that is being eroded by change. You can be irritable, despairing, inspired, grateful, emotional, rational, serious and whimsical all in the same day.

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SF Source The Power Path May 2022

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