The main theme for November is “Release and Realign”

November 2020Lena Stevens – Several opportunities will present themselves this month for some cathartic release of old patterns, attachments, past wounds, disappointments, emotional debris, regrets, and old dreams and expectations. This will trigger a necessary realignment in these areas that will support essential preparation for the times to come. This is a fascinating month where being a little eccentric and thinking outside the box with creative problem solving and expanded ideas will yield positive movement in the right direction.

Wherever you are stuck and whatever you have been holding on to, or not able to let go of, will surely come loose, like a label on a jar where one corner is still stubbornly sticky as you try and remove it. Until the whole label is off, you cannot relabel the jar. In this example, think of releasing a whole identity of the past so you can begin to rename and reconfigure a new one that is better aligned.

As we release the sticky parts, the bits and pieces will realign into a new pattern and a new vision based on our truthful personal intentions. This is the month to truly follow our hearts and to use our intuition when setting those intentions and contemplating what we want. Clarity will be important, not so much clarity of mind, but clarity of heart.  What is practical for us will take on new meaning and the idea of resources and what they mean will expand to include much more than what we have or have accumulated on the physical plane.

We are getting more comfortable with change and not knowing what the future looks like. Even in the midst of great uncertainly we can still be certain about who we are, what we love and where we are no longer willing to compromise our integrity or our service to the wrong master. As we hone and refine this certainty, we better prepare ourselves to take advantage of what is coming.

This month is a potent time of preparation, mostly internal preparation, for huge changes ahead. We have no idea from where we sit now how these changes will manifest but we do need to be ready. Preparedness is discarding the old so you have some room to welcome in the new. Think outside the box and be expansive in your “what ifs” to give the universe something to consider. Allow your heart, intuition, and important priorities to guide you in right realignment. This process may bring sudden changes in work, relationship, place, attitude, expression, or beliefs. If it does, that is a good thing. You may rediscover needs, desires and talents long buried under a false sense of responsibility or long-time entrapment in low self-esteem and limitation.

A focus on self and what is important to you and how you can personally prepare for change will dominate this month. This is not to say you cannot be in cooperation or communion with others on the same page, it just means that you need to be the most important person in this process, and to work on your own self-esteem, self-love, havingness, and worthiness. If you can’t give to yourself, no one else will either. So, take those newly rediscovered needs, talents and desires and begin to align with how you wish to express them as you create your future.

There is an aspect of isolation and separation this month (not helped by COVID) that creates a need to reach out to others in any way you can. We all want to feel like we are a part of something harmonious, exciting and productive. We want to exchange with others on the same page. We are tired of our isolation and feeling stuck. We want to move on. And we will, step by step. Make sure you are not using your irritation and resentment to simply complain and distract yourself from the internal work that is necessary. Be responsible, be mature, and use this time wisely.

Areas of preparation with reflection, internal and external release, and realignment include your health, your confidence, your priorities, old family icon patterns, mental, physical and emotional clutter, mental and emotional limitations.

Whatever feels too small, too past, too painful, or too limited, needs to be released making way for a good realignment for the future.

There is a good exercise on our monthly support Mp3 working with the elements helpful and needed in being prepared. (sign up here)

To further support you in “preparation” for what’s to come, we are putting all of our multi session online courses on a 40% discount this month.

Power Path Foundations Of Shamanism Online Course

The Power Path To Prosperity Online Course

Women’s Shamanic Coaching Online Course

The Power Path To Health And Vitality Online Course

How the month shows up

You Personally

Be a little selfish this month and take the time for personal internal work. Have the courage to release something that has kept you small. Accept the fallout of decisions and choices made from truth as they may affect those around you and beware of projections as others may not share the same enthusiasm or movement as you. You will need to take personal time away from others to shore up your practices and work on your preparedness.

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SF Source The Power Path Nov 2020

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