The Middle Way

“All the greatest and most important problems of life are fundamentally insoluble…They can never be solved, but only outgrown.” Carl Jung

The Middle WayLorna Bevan – The esoteric mantra for Libra is: “I choose the way that leads between two lines of force”. This means that rather than making a simplistic choice between what seem to be two extremes, you stay in neutrality, able to include both ends of the spectrum in your understanding.

Yet, as the Sun returns to cardinal Libra at the Equinox, the schisms, splits and ideological polarization of the over-culture fanned by social media have never been more obvious or more dangerous.

Increasingly, it seems many no longer have the ability to occupy the space in-between which contain many different shades of grey – simply unable to stay with the discomfort of not knowing but actively encouraged to be tribal and to react, instead of thinking.

For the next 18 months, as the karmic Node of Fate crosses backwards through Aries, bringing five Aries/Libra eclipses with it until 2025, the repercussions of this will play out very clearly.

Underlining the theme, this week’s Full Moon at 6° Aries on September 29th is a reminder to strike a balance between meeting your personal needs and attending to the needs of others with their own agendas.

Ask yourself:

♦ where do I fall on the spectrum between being overly Independent -pushing others away/ lone ranger syndrome- or Co-dependent – clingy, needy and other focused?

♦ how flexible are my boundaries around autonomy / sharing-are they too weak or too strong?

♦ in my relationships, can I be myself without any need to compromise who I am or what matters to me?

Chandra Symbol Full Moon ARIES 7: A double-headed eagle, the heads face in opposite directions.

“Two completely separate identities can be lived at once. What is important is to be mentally prepared, vigilantly watchful, and intent upon moving straight on and not looking back.

Your alter-ego, your double, your nemesis and shadow is seeing life through the rearview mirror, completely wrapped in the diametrically opposite world to the one consciously pursued.

Living along this edge hones the sensibility, clarifies things immensely–if ever both ends are claimed, honored, and given their due.

It is a challenge and an adventure to be dual, a karmic crossroads with immense struggle and conflict and power. It contains a deep-down gnawing hunger for resolution and reconciliation and integration, so elusive, so unattainable, and yet so needed and sought in the destiny-reckoning that refuses to stay split, whatever it will take to fuse the bipolar visions into unity.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.

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SF Source Hare In The Moon Sep 2023

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