The New Crisis De Jour: Space War And Space Terrorism

spaceJoseph P Farrell – We’re all probably somewhere between uncontrolled laughter and purpled anger at the rotting cadaverous bag of compost and horse pucky in the White House mumbling through his latest dictat on the teleprompter, but there’s a lot of other news that’s out there that needs some attention, little things like … oh, I don’t know… the collapse of Evergrande in Communist China and the likely ripple effects that will flow through China (and the rest of the world), the French recalling their ambassador from the USA, you know, little stuff like that.

While all of that has been going on, Lord Alfred Milner, back from the dead as Mr.Globaloney (Mr. Globalogna if you want to be picky about it) appears to be busy ratcheting up the next set of memes to prepare the new enemy we’ve got to be afraid of.

The next big war will be in space, according to the Mandarins in the Pentagon (think General Milley here, who has not only previously opined about US soldiers having to fight little green men, but who has also documented his official Mandarin status by apparently being a regular phone friend with his Chinese counterpart). This story was submitted by A.S., and it’s typical boilerplate:

U.S. generals planning for a space war they see as all but inevitable

As I said, it’s typical boilerplate:

A ship in the Pacific Ocean carrying a high-power laser takes aim at a U.S. spy satellite, blinding its sensors and denying the United States critical eyes in the sky.

This is one scenario that military officials and civilian leaders fear could lead to escalation and wider conflict as rival nations like China and Russia step up development and deployments of anti-satellite weapons.

If a satellite came under attack, depending on the circumstances, “the appropriate measures can be taken,” said Lt. Gen. John Shaw, deputy commander of U.S. Space Command.

The space battlefield is not science fiction and anti-satellite weapons are going to be a reality in future armed conflicts, Shaw said at the recent 36th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs.

U.S. Space Command is responsible for military operations in the space domain, which starts at the Kármán line, some 100 kilometers (62 miles) above the Earth’s surface. This puts Space Command in charge of protecting U.S. satellites from attacks and figuring out how to respond if hostile acts do occur.

One can only hope that our woke military will at least make the beams from those high powered lasers to be in the colours of the rainbow flag in order to symbolize our wokeness and send a strong signal to our unwoke partners.

But there’s a more serious aspect to this latest round of drawing attention to the threat from space, and it comes – thank you Lord Milner – from the U.K. (and thanks to K.M. for spotting this one):

A 9/11 in Space? UK ‘Space Force’ Chief Warns of Increased Threat of ‘Space Terrorism’

Here we’re getting to something much more serious:

The rise of cheaper, smaller satellites, and civilian access to space is dramatically increasing the threat of future space terrorism, according to the head of the UK’s new Space Force equivalent – the Space Directorate. Air Vice Marshal Harvey Smyth spoke at the DSEI 2021 conference in London Sept. 14, just days after the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States.

According to C4ISRNET:

The decreasing cost of launch and the increasing capability of relatively cheap, small satellites makes it easier than ever for governments, corporations and academics to access space. This development has been hailed for the possibilities it’s introduced in the commercial and defense spheres, but Smyth argued that it also opens up new challenges.

Referencing the 9/11 terror attacks, Smyth noted:

We all have witnessed what happens, and what particularly happens when the air domain became accessible to all — terrorists turned airliners into weapons. If such a trend holds true for space, when will we have to deal with our first example of space terrorism? And are we prepared for such a dramatic strategic shock?

He added:

The cost of access to space has fallen dramatically throughout this last decade, from $20,000 per kilogram to less than $2,000 today, with an aspiration to get below ten with an end point of $2 per kilogram. Pretty much anyone can now access space, and with this accessibility can come potential threat.

In other words, look for the emergence of little privately owned satellites that could be private weapons platforms, flying the Jolly Roger as it were, creating “space terrorism”…

… or space false flags…

Think about that for a moment: in a world of increased geopolitical tension and instability, how easy it would be for lying governments to stage a “space terrorism incident”, blame it on a third party and claim it was fronting for some other nation.

Even worse, imagine some updated version of Lord Milner wanting to fulfill the final step of getting rid of nations and create a truly global government in private, corporate hands, and voila, enter “space terrorism,” a convenient way of bringing back the Pirates of the Caribbean, putting them in space, and creating the solution, an extension, say, of admiralty and prize law to space assets, and you get the picture. In any scenario, “Earth-bound normies” would have absolutely no way of being able to confirm or deny the narrative being put out.

In short, it’s not surprising this “little” twist is coming from the United Kingdom, where it would appear Milner’s Kindergarten is alive and well, and still plotting…

See you on the flip side…

SF Source Giza Death Star Sep 2021

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