It Is Our Right, It Is Our Duty

willBix Weir – Looking at the bright side of things can be a very difficult thing at times. In the United States of America, it has never been harder than right now.

We are being stripped of our liberty, our freedom and our assets. Our governing bodies are all bought and paid for and our land, water and food is purposefully being polluted and destroyed. We are even forcing our will upon other nations and other people who want just as much to be free in their own countries. There has never been a worse time to be living as a citizen of the United States of America.

Having said that – there has never been a better time in the history of our country where the will and desire to overthrow our leaders has been stronger! We still think we are a FREE People and with that understanding embedded in our hearts and minds, when the time comes, we WILL stand up and overthrow our current controllers.

It is written in the very fabric of our Founding Documents. In the Declaration of Independence and We the People will once again rise up and meet the challenge that our Founding Fathers placed on our shoulders:

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” – Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776

So don’t give up and don’t despair. We are being conditioned for the final battle as we will be in such dire straits in the upcoming Global Monetary Meltdown that we will do EXACTLY what the US Treasury and Federal Reserve wrote in GOLD lettering on the new $100 Bills…

The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

SF Source  June 2015

3 thoughts on “It Is Our Right, It Is Our Duty

  1. I have always liked Bix and his articles. And I definitely think he is correct with his advice to buy silver (though many people like to have a little of both as they can afford – remember silver is the poor man’s gold).

    However with this statement:

    “So don’t give up and don’t despair. We are being conditioned for the final battle as we will be in such dire straits in the upcoming Global Monetary Meltdown that we will do EXACTLY what the US Treasury and Federal Reserve wrote in GOLD lettering on the new $100 Bills…”

    The awake and aware are divesting themselves from this corrupt system by not investing in stocks/bonds, staying as debt-free as possible, becoming as self sufficient as possible, and otherwise keeping participation in the matrix to a minimum. So the momentum in that area is increasing. Other than that I’m not sure who Bix thinks is going to fight this upcoming battle that will actually restore what has been lost. Is he suggesting that some white hat divisions in the military will ultimately step up and restore the rule of law and the constitution? Or we peasants supposed to die in a hailstorm of bullets as we attempt to storm the 21st century nebulous bankster high-tech Bastille with torches and pitchforks? Good luck getting the masses to band together in sufficient numbers to accomplish that. Who is strong enough and powerful enough to take on this large negative alien agenda fascist police-state system that is corrupt to the core?

    Also on the new $100 bill, it still has ‘Federal Reserve Note’ on it. To me that doesn’t suggest a return to a gold standard and honest money if you still have the debt-based slave master Federal Reserve creating the fake dollar ‘federal reserve note’. A fiat FRN does not equal a dollar in honest money (i.e. gold and silver).

    What is the awake/aware person, much less the average joe, supposed to make of all this?

    1. Hi Kevin – you write “the new $100 bill, it still has ‘Federal Reserve Note’ on it. To me that doesn’t suggest a return to a gold standard and honest money if you still have the debt-based slave master Federal Reserve creating the fake dollar ‘federal reserve note’.”

      I agree with your comment concerning the fake debt instruments masquerading as “money” and labeled “Federal Reserve Note.” Given the push to remove ALL printed/coined money from circulation it seems unlikely this bill will ever be printed. -g

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