The Power Path July 2023 Monthly Forecast

The theme for July is: “What do YOU want, and can you HAVE it?”

The Power Path July 2023 Monthly ForecastLena Stevens – In some ways, July is a continuation of last month’s theme of intuitive choices although this month you have the opportunity to anchor those choices according to your personal truth and ability to truly have what you want.

This may not be an easy month as there will be many considerations, vacillations, and potential confusion about direction, deserve-ability, responsibility and compromise. As you navigate your own doubts, truly check in with yourself about what feels right even if it will disappoint another or take you in a different direction than is expected of you.

There are big energetic changes this month supporting the need to engage your will, good boundaries and positive action steps leading you closer to your essence goals. This may require more letting go of old invalid programs of cultural imprint as well as the courage to step forward into a new landscape.

The question of “what do YOU want” should be a daily exercise of contemplation and truth telling. Stay out of reaction and judgement especially if your choices are taking you away from a situation you feel you have been putting up with for a long time. Do not blame or feel victimized but rather experience gratitude for the clarity and freedom you have to move forward.

The exciting thing this month is the anticipation of things moving forward and supporting you to show up differently and more aligned with your inner wisdom despite what your past and those related to it have dictated. It is truly a new time and you deserve to enter that new landscape that will give you what you truly want.

Manifesting comes easily this month. However, you want to be really careful that you do not recreate the same old thing. When in doubt ask yourself, “how is this different than what I had in the past?”

You may find yourself weighing all of your options endlessly without making a commitment. It is important to be disciplined about weeding out what you don’t want and setting boundaries against the seduction of what is familiar as opposed to a new adventure.

We are embracing the lessons of the past and need to trust that what has been learned will lead us into the future and onto the right path. So pay attention and be present especially when the same challenges or reactions surface. Face them with intention to change how they affect you. Practice neutrality and don’t take things personally.

We are offering our online course The 4 Steps To Manifesting at 40% off to support you this month.

How the month shows up

You Personally

This can either be a challenging month or one of great breakthrough. It all depends on your level of fear and stubbornness around change, letting go, trusting your heart and intuition, and how you are at facing something new and different.

The month requires a lot of personal discipline and determined will to keep your boundaries strong and your intentions clear. All the lessons learned over the past months and all the healing as a result should make for fertile ground for a new way of living life. There are good aspects this month that support radical change, moving the focus from the internal process we have all been in for the past several months to an external one of showing up differently in life.  Continue reading …

SF Source The Power Path Jul 2023

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