The Pros, Cons, and Uses of a Solar Power Generator

solar generatorAre you looking for more efficient ways to improve your energy consumption? Are you searching for renewable sources of energy?

With the undeniable impact of climate change, using renewable energy is crucial. The sun, for example, is one of the prime options for renewable energy. By using solar panels, you can reduce your monthly energy consumption significantly.

Furthermore, investing in a solar power generator can also do wonders for your home. But on that note, do consider switching your power supply providers with other companies like strø which may be able to give you a better monthly power supply package.

Continue reading below as we give you a lowdown on solar generators.

The Pros

Solar power generators come in different sizes. The bigger they are, the more power they can store. Regardless of their size, they offer several benefits.

Let us go over the advantages of using a solar generator.

Free Energy

First, a solar generator allows you to store and enjoy free energy. Yes, you still need to pay the initial investment. But after that, it’s all about storing and managing energy.

This is an excellent alternative to traditional energy sources. Fossil fuels are costly. But with solar panels, you can harvest the sun’s energy and store it in your generator.

You can do so throughout your solar panels’ lifetime for free. That’s about 25 to 35 years.

Smooth Operation

Another key benefit of solar power generators is the way they operate. Unlike their diesel-powered counterparts, solar generators operate without making loud noises. This is because they don’t have moving parts.

This is crucial especially if you’re using them in establishments like hospitals. The portable type is also perfect for hunting or fishing.

Moreover, they operate cleanly compared to generators running on diesel. This means the generators do not contribute to air pollution. As we mentioned earlier, people are starting to feel the effect of climate change.

Air pollution and carbon dioxide contribute to the warming of the planet. Through renewable sources like solar energy, you are reducing your carbon footprint.

Low Maintenance

Solar power generators are also low-maintenance. Generally, they only come with three key components. There are the solar panels, the power inverter, and the deep cycle batteries.

Once you bring and install them together, they will require little maintenance. As we mentioned above, they don’t have any moving parts. Furthermore, they don’t require any liquid fuel.

All you need to do is to install the generator where there is direct and maximum exposure to sunlight. From there, you simply wait for the panels to collect energy. It will then convert it into DC power.

Thereafter, the power inverter will change it into AC power. This process helps ensure that your generator doesn’t overload.

Be mindful, however, that inclement weather like heavy snowfall may disrupt the power supply.


Flexibility is another advantage solar generators bring to the table. Through the generator, you can use the energy even when there is little to no sunlight outside. This means you can charge and power different items regardless of the weather.

Once you get the generator working up to full speed, it can run all day long. You don’t need to do a single thing.

Today, there are different types of solar generator kits to choose from. Aside from the traditional form that you mount on top of the roof, there is also the portable type.

This portable generator is lightweight. This makes it easier for you to take anywhere especially during emergencies. Visit to learn more about these portable options.

The Cons

Like any other product, solar generators are not perfect. Let’s take a look at some of their downsides below:

Slow Charging

Solar generators take quite a long time to charge. This is due to the lead-acid batteries they come with, which are heavy. Also, you can only charge the generator during the day when the sun is up.

You cannot recharge the generators during heavy snowfall. The same thing applies during inclement weather.

On the flip side, you can use the gas-powered generators as long as they have enough fuel.

Limited Energy Release

Solar generators can only offer a limited power supply. This means you cannot use them to power an entire house. This is because their energy capacity is much smaller compared to their fuel-powered counterparts.

A solar generator generally offers a storage capacity that ranges between 0.1 and 2 kWh. Thus, you cannot expect them to power large-scale systems.


Lastly, solar generators involve bigger upfront costs. However, you can still opt for the portable type, which is more affordable.

Additionally, you can enjoy long-term savings if you consider the bigger picture.

The Different Uses of a Solar Power Generator

To better gauge solar generators, let’s go over their different uses below:


Solar generators work best for powering home appliances including your refrigerator. One generator is enough to run your refrigerator for up to a day or two. This is crucial when storing perishable goods during short-term power outages.

Additionally, solar generators can also power your heating and cooling systems.

Lighting It Up

Alongside refrigeration, you can use solar generators to light up your home. The generator can power LED and CFL lights for extended periods. These types of lights consume small amounts of energy.

Smartphones and Electronic Devices

Lastly, solar generators can power all kinds of home electronic devices like smartphones and gadgets. A generator can yield up to as much as 250 hours’ worth of power to your mobile phone.

It can run your laptop for up to two days. You can watch television for half a day.

Discover Solar Energy and More

Investing in a solar power generator is something to consider. Not only does it reduce your carbon footprint, but it also cuts down your monthly electricity bills.

However, the sun is only one of the sources of renewable energy. We invite you to look into our other articles on energy use and efficiency. We feature products and discuss topics that will help you discover alternative energy sources.

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of a Solar Power Generator

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