The Role of the Soul

soulJennifer Hoffman – The soul is somewhat of a mystery, an enigma, and we want to know more about this presence in our lives that is the source of our joy and at times of our pain. What is the role of the soul, what does it do for us, and how do we connect with, work with, and embody it? It’s a delicate balance that we need to perfect over our lifetime, not giving it too much or not enough power, attention, and space in our lives.

Learning to create the soul-self partnership, establishing the boundaries of our co-creative partnership, and learning to align with the soul’s energy is something that we learn for ourselves as we establish the role of the soul in our lives.

The soul is the new spin engine for coaches, pundits, instagram influencers, and people who are looking for that next conversation starter since they have moved away from the laws of abundance and attraction, and other topics.

There is a lot of information out there now about how we connect with the soul. We can be ‘soul sourced’, ‘soul led’, ‘soul driven’, and ‘soul focused’. There is a lot of emphasis on divinity, the soul’s mysteries, the soul’s purpose, soul mastery, and soul alignment.

What is wrong with all of these topics? They give the power to the soul, they put the soul in charge and make the conversation all about the soul. And that is wrong. We are the energy containers for the soul’s energy and no matter how much we want the soul to be in charge that is never going to happen.

The soul is our partner, not our leader. If we were taking a road trip with the soul it would be sitting in the passenger seat, not the driver’s seat. If we were running a company with our soul it would be our chief financial officer, not the CEO. It is going to tell us when we have overdrawn our bank account but it will not put money in it.

Simply put, the soul is the wick and we are the candle. The soul works with us, not for us. It doesn’t direct or lead or drive us. It sits quietly and waits for us to reach out to it, for us to ask with an open, fear-free heart, and it will answer.

We want connection with the soul because we want someone or something to be in charge, to lead, guide, and support us. We want a presence we can see, hear, feel, and touch so we give the soul our power and then wait until it tells us what to do. We give the soul a name and a place of honor in our lives and then hope that it will bless us accordingly. That is not the role of the soul and that is not going to happen.

I see and hear the misleading rhetoric about the soul, delivered breathlessly by people who think they know it all and they are going to become soul experts, and it bothers me to see people who are taking advantage of those who are suffering, confused, afraid, and in pain and give them hope in a solution that is not a solution at all.

We cannot create a separate body for our soul and then call it our support system. The soul is sourced within us and any partnership or connection we have with the soul has to be driven by our desire to expand, not to get help with our most challenging immediate problem.

While we like to give the soul a human face and presence so we have the impression that it is more accessible, more real, and more tangible, that is not a path we should follow. This is where we start giving the soul too much power and responsibility in our lives and start turning over the things that we are supposed to be doing, like setting intention, managing our energy frequency and vibration, and ensuring that we are empowered in our lives.

We do these things best when we know we have the soul’s support for our actions. We do not do these things well when we give them over to the soul and then wait for something to happen.

It is our natural inclination to believe that something as powerful as the soul has to be more powerful than we are and thus, it should be in charge. Who are we to be able to harness the infinite power and vast energy resources of the soul and call them our own and yet, that is exactly what we are supposed to do.

The soul is our partner, not our leader. It is our spiritual resource to be used, without limitation, in our journey through the 3D density of the material world. It carries our specific energy frequencies for success, joy, love, and abundance, and then holds them for us until we are ready to embrace and embody them.

But if we think we are not worthy of the soul’s presence and participation, if we feel unworthy to receive what we wrongfully consider to be the soul’s grace and gifts to us, then we will have a lonely and frustrating life. Because while we can get along without the soul’s presence, it is not an easy or wise thing to do.

Remember I said the soul holds energetic frequencies for us and it does, it carries the energy of our potential for us as a reminder of what we came here to do. For this to happen for us we need to focus less on purpose – why we are here – and focus more on potential – what we came here to expand into, to overcome, and to succeed with. If you have been following me since 2004, when I first began writing and channeling, I said that this is the lifetime where we end karma so we decided to bring in all of our most challenging karmic experiences and partners.

We chose our most difficult soul groups so we could really get the work done once and for all. It has been tough and it has been deeply unpleasant, scary, frustrating, and lonely at times. But we had an ace in the hole, so to speak. Our soul held the energy frequencies for our post-karma reality in this lifetime and created what I call the 5 soul energy priorities as a guideline for us to follow as we worked through and overcame the karma and were then prepared to create a new, karma-free life in our 5D paradigm.

These 5 priorities of soul energy mastery (notice I said soul energy mastery, not soul mastery. We do not need to master the soul, we need to master the energy paradigm it holds for us) are coherence, cohesion, clarity, confidence, and congruence. You can read about them in my book, the 5 Priorities of Soul Energy Mastery. Click here to purchase on amazon

When we integrate these 5 energy priorities into our life and we embody them in their true and highest form and frequency we become fully aligned with our soul’s energy imprints which are really our energy imprints which reflect our highest potential and we can expand into a new and more fulfilling, fun, and joyful life paradigm.

But the soul is not in charge of this process, it just holds the energy until we are ready to align with it. I know, we really want the soul to tell us what to do, let us know that we are on the right path and tell us when we veer off towards the ditch. We want the soul to support and guide us, to feel like we have a strong big brother or sister who will protect us from the bullies and monsters, but that is not the soul’s job.

In reality, we have everything we need to do that for ourselves and our soul will support us when we stand up to the bullies and the monsters, when we do not engage in powerless self judgment and when we remember that we have a partner in this process.

The soul’s energy priorities tell us exactly what we are striving for in our efforts at healing, wholeness, and congruence, in our search for transformation, peace, love, and joy.

Coherence is our desire for understanding and enlightenment

Cohesion is our desire for connection

Clarity is our desire to see and to know

Confidence is our desire for courage, alignment, and integration

Congruence is our desire for divine harmony, synergy, and energy flow.

We step into our spiritual maturity when we stop looking for a savior and instead, go to the soul as a partner. It does know things that we don’t and it will share them with us when we ask from a place of energy mastery, not martyrdom. When we ask from a place of empowered intention, not desperate fear, and when we allow our soul to help us navigate and guide us with gentle grace on or life path.

This is the best use of our soul energy, the most potent way to align with its energy priorities and to let our soul know that we are ready to live joyfully, powerfully, and through our highest potential in the space of our co-creative partnership and we’re ready to take the wheel and invite it along for the ride as our navigator.

Copyright (c) 2004-2022 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

SF Source Enlightening Life Feb 2022

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