The themes for April 2023 are: “Boundaries and Balance”

The theme for April is: “Finding balance”Lena Stevens – This month will require focus, perseverance and discipline. The turbulence of March has certainly stirred things up and there is a need now to reground and get a better footing on life, relationships, health, self-care, projects and clarity on personal intentions.

Sifting through the debris of emotional carnage as well as all the opportunities available for change and transformation can be overwhelming. Thus, the need for good boundaries, discernment, discipline and focus.

The goal is balance, and with that theme, it will be painfully obvious what is out of balance in all areas of your life. If your relationships are out of balance because you have compromised yourself, there will be trouble in paradise. However, it is a powerful time to set things straight through good honest communication and mutual respect.

If a relationship cannot adjust and improve in this way, it is not worth pursuing. It is the same with your personal health and self-care. You will become aware of what is out of balance and what can be improved and will have the discipline to follow through.

Good balance requires good boundaries and good boundaries require discipline and focus. You could say that April is a month to build awareness about how we use our energy and all the unnecessary ways we get overly involved in other people’s drama. We are intrigued by drama as it is entertaining and makes us feel somehow more alive.

While drama is entertaining, observing from a place of neutrality and having good boundaries against becoming emotionally involved in the drama will support better balance in your life. So, we suggest putting drama in the category of watching an entertaining movie, knowing that it is just a movie, and not something to get emotionally involved in as if it was real life.

This month we have the opportunity to change habits, up our game, re-prioritize what is important, take care of ourselves better, clear confusion and conflict in relationships, and end up with more clarity and determination about what we want, where we desire to be, and with whom.

The key is having good boundaries that will lead to better balance. This is internal and personal work and requires acceptance of truth as well as the courage to say no to what is not healthy and yes to what is. Relationships will be the most affected as they are where many dysfunctional patterns around boundaries play out.

Most of us are long in the caretaking of others and short in the self-care area. Your body will definitely let you know this month what is out of balance and missing in your discipline. A good daily practice that includes self-care for body mind and spirit is crucial this month as it will ground you and bring much needed balance into your day. A good practice will be to think of yourself first upon waking instead of all the things that will be requiring your attention “out there”.

Some of you will be extremely uncomfortable and possibly even feel guilty as you set boundaries that could trigger negative reactions in others. Remember not to take these reactions and projections personally. Use the support of transformative energy this month to stay your ground and set new habits with a commitment to see them become permanent.

This month’s support audio has some good help on boundaries. We also highly recommend our new Intuitive Skills Training course that has a really good piece on boundaries and protection and discerning what is yours and what is not. This live training series with Jose, Lena and Anna begins Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 10am MDT.

How the month shows up:

You Personally

The focus this month is self-care. If you don’t have self-care, you don’t have good balance. The boundary issue comes up around protecting personal time for self-care, not indulgent, but what is necessary for your health and well-being.

If you are not taking care of yourself, it will become very apparent as your body will give you clear signals about what is out of balance.

This is a good month to anchor and commit to new habits, routines and practices. Put yourself first, put some boundaries around your personal time and don’t take what others think personally, especially when you are engaging in what you know is right for you.

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SF Source The Power Path Apr 2023

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