The World’s Most Important Decision

The World’s Most Important DecisionBrooks Agnew – The Global Syndicate has ordered US carrier groups to move closer to the flash point in Gaza.

Don’t be fooled. This is a cover to move more than 100 ships and subs closer to Russia. These assets would be within striking distance if they are moved into position in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Launching over Turkey into the Black Sea region would be simple for refueled super-sonic weapons systems. Pay attention.

In order to make a move like this, the Constitution requires a declaration of war. The War Powers Act only allows temporary moves on a limited basis. President Trump knew these the Global Syndicate was going to retaliate for having their money cut off from Ukraine.

We have been telling you since 2014 that Biden was moving hundreds billions of dollars through Ukraine and siphoning off dark money to run the Global Syndicate. I can tell you that this bureaucracy is larger and more powerful than at any time in history. It requires billions a day to operate.

President Trump knew that when the 118th Congress stopped the money in the latest continuing resolution, that an attack would happen. We feared it would be on our soil. Matt Gaetz was asked to vacate the Speaker of the House, which was accomplished on October 3rd. The plans to stage the Israel attack were already under way.

Leadership in Israel, and I will leave that for you to think about, worked with the attackers. They knew about the purchase of the equipment and the training with hundreds of paragliders. They knew about the rocket and launcher upgrades shipped by Iran to Hamas. The concert in Israel was moved from its original location so it could be closer to the border. The Iron Dome was disabled. The border guards were sent home. The surveillance systems were powered down.

Four days after the Speakership was vacated, Hamas attacked. The results are so well publicized, I don’t need to repeat any of that. You can turn on any station in any language and get a full list of atrocities in 5 minutes. It plays 24 hours a day.

It was an act of war, which normally requires a response of war. Bibi Netanyahu was a political cripple on October 6th. By the afternoon of October 7th, he was crowned with all glory with a strong coalition government. Within a week, he had 300 thousand trained troops, armor, and planes ready to level Gaza.

The only thing missing was a Congressional Act to shift Ukraine funding to Israel. Why? Because Matt Gaetz followed his commander in chief to stop them before they could dump the oil on that fire.

Today is the 15th, and Hamas is doing whatever it can to keep its human shields in place. They blocked the roads. They confiscated the water, food, and have killed many who tried to leave Gaza. They know the IDF is coming for them, but they want all the cameras trained on the innocent civilians they use as a fence between the tanks and their cowardly forces. The world is being asked to come to the fight. Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UN, and yes of course, the Americans.

The biggest danger for Earth

The biggest danger for Earth and its passengers is that the Global Syndicate owns the US government right now. The White House is a film studio for them. The rings of the Pentagon are in a full on civil war. Victoria Nuland and Jake Sullivan are leading forces to get money to the Syndicate banks. The few Congressmen patriots are facing legions of assassins who are trying to force the war to happen. Each hour, the Global Syndicate grows weaker and more desperate.

There are millions, and yes I said millions, of Syndicate ground troops inside our cities right now waiting to fall on us like a demon horde. They each know their lives were forfeit when they got on the first raft to reach our Southern border, where

Virtual Joe and his gang of criminals waited with flowers and free passage to a city near you. They wait in silence right now. If you don’t see them, it is because they have been ordered by command and control centers in every metropolitan city in America to remain hidden in plain site. They laugh while feckless, pierced, mutilated, and brainwashed kids protest in favor of pushing Israel into the sea.

When will they attack? I have been to the future, and I bring this memory to you. Generals and Admirals in the military are being briefed tonight on the one chance we have to save the world. They will say no. They had to be given this opportunity to save the world. It is part of the rules.

They will lay down their arms at the feet of the Global Syndicate to keep their pensions, and their multi-million dollar careers as lobbyists and CEOs of the military industrial complex. It has been this way since 1871. They are all traitors to America and to the human race.

There is another force that is harder to find. They are the largest army in history by tens times any force on earth today. They don’t need to be briefed. They are connected by a spirit that spans the universe. In the near future, this army will face two forces. Many will despair and surrender or die to escape the battle. Many more realize they came to this world from all parts of the universe for this purpose. They don’t retreat. It is they who face the two forces.

The first force is the Syndicate Soldiers already here among us. When they attack, they will be like blades of grass. They are everywhere all at once, and they will slay many innocent people and fighters alike. When the patriots rise to defend America, the Syndicate will send the second force. They will use much more powerful weapons, air power, armor, gas, lasers, and directed energy weapons to wipe out the patriots. The Global Media Empire and the FBI and the US Department of Defense have already identified many of you. When you upholster your weapon, they will attack without mercy.

They will cushion the tracks of their armor on the streets with blood and the bones of the dead. The future is in motion, yes, but I will tell you that the memory of the days I bring you tonight are hopeful, because we refused to hate.

We loved one another. We loved our country. We loved the earth. And we loved our enemies and prayed that their hearts would be softened before they pulled that trigger or push that button to kill us. And enough of them stopped following the orders of their demon leaders, that the war stopped mid-step.

They landed their helicopters and opened the hatches on their tanks. They took off their helmets and stood with us. I ask you tonight to keep your hands open for theirs. Do not clench your fists in rage. We have already defeated them, but we must stay in the justice, and we must not charge into the war. If we attack them first, they win. If we fight to contain and capture, we win.

Our president is with you. He knows the real enemy as well as we do. In the coming days, perhaps before Thanksgiving, the Global Syndicate will stumble. Without billions of dollars a day bled from you, the vampire weakens. That is precisely why Congress does not move too quickly. Every hour Congress is not in session, the Global Syndicate starves.

Have faith. Have hope. Every minute that we do not join the rage, the darkness grows lighter. Turn up your light. You are everywhere. It’s why you came here at this time. Turn up your light. Turn off the Ben Shapiros and Mark Levins and the CNN and the Fox News. Silence them, and the resonance of death will stop.

Everything we do will eventually affect the universe. We shall do it on purpose. Full tank, cash on hand, and go forth prepared and fearless.

SF Source Brooks Agnew Oct 2023

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