This AP reporter pedals blatant falsehoods

 Lisa Mascaro
Lisa Mascaro

Pants on Fire – Members of the corporate-controlled media aren’t even pretending to be impartial these days.

But one Associated Press writer took that to the next level.

And her “report” turned into a falsehood-filled work of fiction.

The Associated Press’  Lisa Mascaro wrote a story recently that was so “tilted” it fell outside what anyone could possibly consider a journalistic piece.

The headline alone was enough to cause any old-fashioned journalism professor to blow up: “Supreme Court nominee’s ‘empathy’ is flashpoint for Senate.”

She didn’t bother to mention those on the receiving end of Jackson’s “empathy” are pedophiles, child pornographers, and other perverts.

She also made some outlandish claims including that, “The first Black woman nominated to become a justice, Jackson brings a lifetime of experience never seen before on the high court, which has been filled almost exclusively by white men for most of its 233-year history.”

While Jackson is the first black woman to join the ranks of Supreme Court Justices, she isn’t the first woman, the first black person, or even the first woman who isn’t white.

Sandra Day O’Connor – the first woman on the court – was appointed by President Ronald Reagan back in 1981.

The first black man, Clarence Thomas, was nominated by President George H.W. Bush in 1991.

Sonia Sotomayor, the first “woman of color” (Hispanic) to join the court was nominated by Barack Obama back in 2009.

In fact, if you want to play the numbers game, Lisa Mascaro’s claims are flat out wrong.

“Democrats praise President Joe Biden’s choice of the Harvard-educated lawyer and appellate court judge as long overdue, making the judicial branch begin to look more like America,” Mascaro wrote.

But considering that blacks only make up only about 13% of the United States’ population, it’s not like they’re wildly underrepresented on the big court.

No doubt, what Democrats are really angling for is someone radical enough to make their most radical leftist faction happy.

But rather than stick to the issues – like whether Jackson has a thing for protecting perverts instead of children – this intrepid AP reporter decided the real issue is that Republicans can’t stand anyone with “empathy.”

“It’s not the first time the concept of empathy has been wielded as a disqualifying weapon against a nominee for the high court. Nor is it the only time the empathy standard was applied to the women tapped for the bench, rather than the much longer list of men,” Mascaro wrote.

She then went on to complain about Republicans lodging “similar arguments” against Sonia Sotomayor.

Chances are, it wasn’t “empathy” Republicans were pushing back against – it was confirming a partisan hack who would focus on towing the leftist line regardless of the truth.

More than a decade after she was confirmed, Sotomayor proved she’s still loyal to leftist causes when she blatantly lied about the effects of COVID-19 when she claimed, “We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators.”

Of course, only 3,342 children were hospitalized with COVID-19 at that time – and many had actually been admitted for other reasons in the first place and just happened to have the virus.

We can’t even begin to imagine what Jackson will be up to a decade from now.

Unfortunately, exercising good judgment and focusing on truth seems to fall low on the list of things Democrats and their leftist allies in the Fake News Media are looking for when it comes to reshaping the Judicial branch.

SF Source Pants on Fire News Mar 2022

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