Three Cheers for President-Elect Donald J. Trump!

trumpAmerican Liberty Report – Hallelujah! It’s official! Donald J. Trump is the President-Elect of the United States! Take that, libs: FOUR MORE YEARS! And if this declaration of Donald Trump as the President-Elect is causing you to twist your delicate bowtie in knots, too bad.

How can I declare Donald Trump the President-Elect? Because he has just as much constitutional and legal right to that title today as Droolin’ Joe does.

And why is that? Because we now have dueling electors appointed in seven different states who have cast their votes in the 2020 presidential election.

The hot sidewalk garbage formerly known as the “media” completely ignored this story, but seven states had both Democrat and Republican electors cast their votes on December 14. The only thing that happened on the 14th was the casting of the votes. Those votes still need to be counted.

The states that had Republican electors cast votes were Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona and… New Mexico. Yes, in addition to the six “swing” states we’ve been talking about for the past month, even New Mexico is acknowledging that there were so many anomalies, irregularities and outright fraud that the 2020 election has still not been decided.

What happens next? The votes are to be counted in the US Senate on January 5, 2021, which determines the outcome of the election. Here is the part where liberal heads will explode…

I provide a link to the full legal analysis of this situation at the bottom of this article. Alexander Macris is the attorney blogging at “Contemplations on the Tree of Woe” who deserves full credit for tipping us off to this.

On January 5, the President of the Senate opens the envelopes with the Electoral College ballots in them. The President of the Senate counts those votes. The President of the Senate, for those who have forgotten their high school Civics class, is Vice President Mike Pence.

The prevailing legal theory, since the Electoral College Act is so vaguely written, holds that the only votes that will now apply in the presidential election are the ones that the President of the Senate counts.

Imagine this scenario: Mike Pence gets to the point where it’s time to count Pennsylvania’s Electoral College votes. He’s at the podium, by himself, and he now has two envelopes in front of him: One with 20 Democrat electors, and one with 20 Republican electors.

The President of the Senate has full authority to decide what to do in this scenario. He has three choices:

First: Discard the Republican envelope, open the Democrat envelope and count those votes for Droolin’ Joe and Cruella D’Kneepads.

Second: Discard the Democrat envelope, open the Republican envelope and count those votes for Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence.

Third: Discard both envelopes, so that Pennsylvania’s disputed election results do not count toward the 2020 contest.

I see the first option as impossible. Since Mike Pence is a devout Christian, he cannot stamp his name on a lie. Pence knows, just as you know and just as I know, that the Democrats engaged in a massive conspiracy to steal the 2020 election. I just don’t see Mike Pence participating in that lie, especially since it would put him and Donald Trump out of a job.

I see the second and third options as much more likely, with the third option winning out. That’s the better political move in this situation. If Pence discards all of the electoral votes from the seven states that sent dueling electors – as Pence has every right and authority to do as President of the Senate – neither candidate would “qualify” as President with 270 electoral votes. The election would be kicked back to Congress, where each state gets one vote and Trump-Pence prevail.

Would the Democrats scream and holler and wail and gnash their teeth and sue if this happens? Sure. But since the Supreme Court just ruled that Texas doesn’t have standing to sue Pennsylvania over how it conducted this election, it will be interesting to see them turn around and argue that Pennsylvania somehow does have standing to sue the President of the Senate.

This remains just one of the many options that President-Elect Trump still has on the table for resolving the 2020 election peacefully. He also has the non-peaceful option at his disposal as Commander in Chief. But rest assured, President Trump is not going to step aside and allow the 2020 election to be stolen from the American people – and we should stand by him no matter which option he ultimately chooses.

Here is the link to Alexander Macris’ excellent analysis of the Electoral College Act and the strategy outlined above.

SF Source American Liberty Report Dec 2020

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