Are We Ready?

timeJelaila Starr – Got a message from “upstairs” this past week; came in rather strong and with a sense of urgency. After contacting most all the people to whom I was to initially pass it on, the timing the urgency fading. That changed yesterday.  Now I realize I received a multifaceted message with many parts, the second part of which was just revealed. (Its like getting a multi-part and time-coded packet of information that opens up in pieces in response to timing.)

After the initial sense of urgency followed by quick calls to those with whom I was to share it, I felt the urgency pass.  I waited to see what would happen next, if I was to follow through on the request I received to gather the initial recipients together for a quick conference call.  I could not reach everyone, (Dave Comunal, if you are reading this, please contact me.) so I just let it sit. Since then I’ve  been waiting to see what I am to do next. As I said, yesterday I received more of the message, or rather the details. And this time I it was requested that I share it with everyone.

The information involved the next 3 months. When you put the info together you begin to see a picture or holographic view of what’s ahead.

Holding the Point of Neutral Compassion

Before I begin, let me say something about being neutral. We were asked to remain neutral during this final part of the ascension process for the purpose of helping everyone eventually find their way back to the middle ground and integration. Being neutral doesn’t mean you aren’t involved. It also does not mean that you can cheer for one side over the other. (I certainly do.)

I believe it means that though we may cheer one side, at the end of the day, we remember the ultimate goal—integration. Everything else is just roles and events that enable us as souls to obtain the evolution we desire. Hope that makes sense. Moreover, I was encouraged to take time each day to return to that higher perspective. It not only helps me return to a place of peace, it energizes the Compassion Grid we all worked so hard to create.

Final Days

At the end of the Universal Polarity Integration Game, the timelines of the 4 destroyed human home worlds would culminate. It would be the equivalent of an Armageddon, but the battlefield would be in a new place: on the Internet and in the streets and by civilians.

Now again, keep in mind that we cannot hide our heads in the sands, but rather be aware of what is going on yet able to lift ourselves, and your emotions back to the level of compassion and neutrality. (I should do a whole article or teleconference on that!)

The Next Three Months

I was told that the next 2.5 to 3 months will be the most critical. All the events of all 4 previous human homeworlds will play out simultaneously. Talk about a pressure cooker and doesn’t it feel like that now? Again, a bit of background. All 4 worlds had extreme racism as one of the primary cause of events that eventually led to nuclear holocaust and the destruction of their respective worlds. Are we not seeing that in not just one, but several ways?

When the Nibiruans used the word, critical, they meant it as they will be the most severe in pain and suffering. Not going to be easy. I saw the term, “Summer of Blood and blood in the streets. Sorry to upset you but that’s what I saw.

Yet with all the down side there is an upside. These events, if we are successful in “getting them right” this time, will carry the greatest opportunity for a very, very bright future for us all.

The “blood in the streets” would take the form of violent protests where one side begins attacking the other. I was told that Congressman Scalise was not just the first attack, that attack was the proverbial “first shot over the bow.” I saw a vision of a canon ball flying through the air towards Fort Sumpter, this shot started the American First Civil War The 2nd American Civil war began with that shot.

But unlike the first civil war, this one could last only a few short months. It’s all in how Americans respond. If we make the right choices, it will end quickly. If not, it will drag on.

Freedom Fighters

When the Nibiruans shared their perspective on Donald Trump, they did so in order to provide a more universal perspective. For those unfamiliar, the Nibiruans stated that Trump, or rather his soul, has spent several lifetimes preparing for this time and his mission. Today they provided more details.

President Trump, along with Russian President Putin, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, (was surprised to learn of Putin and Xi being included) are souls who came here to take us through these final days. I was shown that they had all three known each other before. All were students of the great Sanat Kumara, the original freedom fighter, if you will, from one of the Orion controlled slave colonies in the Sirius B star system. Sanat Kumara showed his people how to break out of the frequency fence (HAARP, in our timeline) that surrounded and controlled his planet.

They broke free by activating and using their high heart/thymus to create the neutralizing frequency of compassion. Compassion is the way out of fence because it neutralizes all energy back to its raw state. As such it creates holes in the frequency fence by nullifying or neutralizing the frequencies that create it. Hope that makes sense. (See Mission Remembered, Book Two)

Each of these men went on to free many worlds or bring them back from the brink of enslavement at the hands of the Orion Empire, the biggest enslavers in this universe.

For the sake of clarity I will use that term to refer to these three men and one other that the Nibiruans have named in their message.

These three freedoms fighters are here now in our timeline, each a leader of the most pivotal nations during this time, the USA, Russia and China. If all three succeed in surviving, they and their countries will make it through. This would occur because the other side would finally lose power once their efforts to eliminate these presidents failed.

Senator McCain: the Game Changer

I am also told that there are other freedom fighters that will play roles on the opposite side. One of those, I believe, is Senator John McCain. The Nibiruans specially named him in their message because he will be a “game-changer” they said. As I understand it, Senator McCain, will be a ringleader for the Cabal or Powers That Be. In so doing he will be instrumental not only in obstructing the president, he will be stoking the fires of hate and racism that will lead to “blood in the streets.” He will also be the “thorn in the side” of Russia. (Not sure just what that means exactly.)

Moving forward, the war will rage over the airwaves and both sides struggle for the minds of humanity. The lies will be so great as to boggle the mind. Sanity, morality and balance will disappear, submerged by the tidal waves of eons of anger, hate, fear and pain that will erupt from the sub-conscious minds of human kind. It will be our “Dark Night of the Soul.” As the mass consciousness purges the deepest layers of deep seated pain, rage and anger, we will all face our respective shadows.

Towards the end of the three months the Cabal will appear to regain steam and surge ahead. It will appear that all is lost, but then….McCain will have a change of heart. (Their exact words.) He will have an experience that will personally impact him in such a way that he will change his position. I keep feeling it will have something to do with a male child. Does he have grandchildren?

The game changer will be something that Senator McCain says, along with how it is interpreted. Perhaps he will give away valuable information that will undermine and possibly destroy his own side. Not sure, but I get a feeling that once that info is out, the freedom fighters will jump on it quickly.

“By the skin of your teeth plus a bit more.”

When receiving the first portion of the message, I asked the Nibiruans if we would make it. Their answer was, “By the skin of your teeth plus a bit more.” What that means is if we make the right choices, the war will end in three months. When the projected out along the timelines they saw the most energy around a successful completion in 3 months time. Of course the timing may vary based on how things transpire between now and then.

Regardless of how this change occurs, I am told that harmony will eventually be restored. In the meantime the old systems will meet their final demise. Rebuilding and “restoration” of the planet ensues. I was shown the term, “Great Reckoning” and that it will be used by future generations to refer to this time.

Standing As One

A final thought…and appeal. Since writing the Nibiruans’ perspective on President Trump, I have experience the loss of many friends. Some of these people were key individuals in the making of the compassion templates and as such, are anchors for those templates. If we remain caught up in the semantics of these final timeline events, we will have a very hard time achieving our objective.

Remember that this is a universal game and in the end the way to return to love and peace is through standing together, or integration. This is especially important in the Spiritual community. Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Republicans, Democrats, black, white, Christian or Muslim, they are all roles we have created to replay the timeline events that eventually brought about the end of our previous home worlds.

I know it is difficult not to lose ourselves in the deep and painful emotions they illicit, but if we do we lose our chance to make the changes we have worked and trained and sacrificed so much. It is why we came here to the planet at this time. So I hope that this message will reach those who have cut me off. I hope that you will read it and know I am with you and pray that you will remember our contracts and the promises we made to stand together as one.

Are We Ready?

I began this message with a question, are we ready? Are we? Are we ready to put our differences aside and fight for our collective freedom and this planet. Are we ready move through the next 3 months, holding the templates in the Compassion Grid in alignment so that all souls can access and use them to make the difficult choices to be made. Do we have the critical multidimensional training to see this thing from the higher perspective and maintain that vision so that we lose our heads while those around us do? I hope and pray that we are. Let’s see this through…the best is yet to come.

PS: I was going to add a video for this message but got the request not to.  So please share it with anyone you feel needs to be informed.

SF Source Nibiruan Council Jun 2017

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