Time To Face Facts – Rosh HaShanah 2021

Dr. Dannielle (Dossy) Blumenthal – Today in synagogue the speaker reminded us that Rosh HaShanah is all about coming to terms with ourselves.

The facade we wear: getting lost in the image we project to the world, the prestige we maybe think we have, the material things which shield us from doing real self-scrutiny.

The inability to stop and think.

All of it is interrupted by the cry of the shofar, the ram’s horn.

I listened to this talk and all I could think about was how delusional many Americans still are. We are under attack. And we need to respond appropriately. As follows:

♦ Corrupt politicians and Federal law enforcement – together accounting for the otherwise inexplicable failure to act against the purposeful devastation of our Nation. Together supporting a series of decrees and credos continually dished out over a period of decades, accelerating over time, dizzying in pace, leaving the ordinary citizen terrified to speak.

♦ Engineered social polarization – a years-long campaign to divide Americans artificially against one another, and portray each “side” as a dehumanized mortal enemy; inflation of race and gender/sexuality issues to deliberately create and foment hatred; violent, destructive marches engineered to include black-clad domestic terrorists (Antifa); weaponization of civil rights (Black Lives Matter)

♦ Media psyop – portrayal of chosen “enemy” (Trump) as a vile, sexist, racist, fascist criminal and illegitimate President; support for clearly mentally deficient “winner” (Biden) as his successor despite a flood of plausible concerns and reports regarding election fraud

♦ Social media aggrandizement of enemy narratives: Claims of “terms of service” violations designed to privilege only the most vile weaponized narratives against Constitutional Patriots, Christians, and believers in traditional family values.

♦ Covid-19 response – experimental gene therapies forced on the population while other alternatives were censored; wholesale attack on human rights through masking schemes and lockdowns that devastated local economies, destroyed families and put vulnerable populations at even greater risk

♦ Afghanistan treachery – terrorists have hold of numerous American hostages, American weapons and cash

♦ U.S.-Mexico border sold out for the cash – cartels operational and embedded on both sides, trafficking contraband to include drugs, guns and people

♦ China infiltration – cash flooding media, Hollywood, universities; cyberattacks; counterfeiting and undercutting American products, disrupting trade and endangering us with inferior products.

The enemy is on the move, on the march, on the attack.

And anyone who dares to recognize this—to say flatly that Biden is a traitor, to say that domestic terrorists are being enabled to roam freely without a response, to say that illegal aliens alone or in gangs are terrorizing innocent men, women and children— has to wonder and worry whether the government will act, or attack the messenger instead.

Today is Rosh HaShanah.

It is a day for recognizing and living in truth.

Our fellow Americans are dying because of horrific evil actions by those in power.

My fellow Jews are dying in Israel as the victims of a concentration-camp-like series of “treatments” forced upon theme by a regime which claims to be helping them.

Friends, we are long past recognizing that there is a problem.

Now is the time to support our leaders as they take the necessary action to heal and restore our Nation.

Note that I said — “support our leaders.” I strongly support law and order, condemn vigilantism and disavow baseless conspiracy theories as well as blind faith in man. We need to find a way to work within the system to ensure that those in positions of power and authority are accountable for doing their jobs.

As a Jew, I am grateful to the United States of America for shielding and sheltering me and my people for so long.

The USA deserves our love, our loyalty, our good faith and our strongest possible support in climbing out of the gravesite that others have dug while we weren’t looking.

God bless you all. God bless America. God bless my fellow Jews. May He rain down good favor on the brave men and women defending national sovereignty under one God, all over the world.

May this year bring the Messiah: the real one not an antichrist: the end of satanic tyranny.

SF Source  Dannielle (Dossy) Blumenthal Sep 2021

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