Time’s Tuning Fork: Astrology Forecast April 24th – May 1st, 2022

Time’s Tuning ForkLorna Bevan – The warp and weft of your cumulative past decisions and choices will reveal itself in the karmic outworkings of this week’s astrology.

Not only is the potent seismic field of the eclipse wide open but Great Transformer Pluto is slowing to station at his most impactful at the end of Capricorn, turning retrograde on April 30th.

The April 30 partial solar eclipse anchors a strong geophysical shock window from April 23rd through to May 7th. Expect a surge in notable seismic activity, including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions during this shock window. It is the energetic gateway to the total lunar eclipse at 25 Scorpio on May 16.

On April 30/May 1, visible only in southern South America and Antarctica, a New Moon Solar eclipse takes place at 10 Taurus. The Lights conjunct Awakener Uranus, Mercury enters Gemini, Venus is exactly conjunct Jupiter and close to Neptune in Pisces. Pluto turns retrograde on the same day until October 9.

Eclipses are powerful energetic events that can openly reveal for a moment what lies in the dark. The conjunction with Awakener Uranus in Taurus makes this something of a maverick eclipse and the synchronicity of an eclipse with a conjunction of Venus, Neptune and Jupiter is very rare and auspicious.

Reduced to its bones, expect some truly heroic healing breakthroughs, along with some monumentally bad acting out behavior.

This evolutionary process began in November 2021 and will not complete until October 2023.

New! Existential Times /Existential Eclipses…

Never has learning to future proof your resources been so crucial….

Don’t miss out on essential strategies for maximizing the potential of the maverick Taurus solar eclipse on April 30/May1st and the May 16th Scorpio total lunar eclipse.

“Shaken and Stirred-the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses” is essential guidance for those of you who are sensitives, creatives, and path pavers.

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“Lorna is a Seer, Thought Leader, Spiritual Coach… her astrological predictions are both profound life guides and business coaching. I highly recommend signing up to her monthly reports.” ~ Elizabeth M London

Chandra Symbol New Moon 11 TAURUS: A woman with flames for her hair.

“Direct, full on, and unstoppable. Pushing for optimal outcomes, you are self-convinced and hard-driving. So passionate about your own desire and impulse that anything off to the side is far out of the picture, and all that counts is to have your say, to make an impact.

Something long-gathering suddenly emerging as rage, self-intent, need, and craving. Personal to the Nth degree. Almost solipsistic. “Me” mattering after being counted out.

You feel the surge of power of someone who recognizes that they are bearing a life-force that can no longer be put down and you follow the brightness wherever it takes you, blindly and beautifully.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Apr 2022

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