Tips For Understanding and Overcoming an Addiction

Whether you are addicted to sugar, alcohol or even drugs, any form of addiction can have a detrimental effect on both body and mind. Addiction refers to when an individual consumes a substance or takes part in an activity that turns into a compulsion. The addiction soon begins to interfere with their day-to-day responsibilities and actions, such as work, relationships and family life. People who have developed an addiction may not even be aware that their behavior is out of control or causing issues for themselves and those around them.

When referring to any type of addiction it’s important to understand that this doesn’t refer to a pleasurable action or a moral decision. Any form of addiction is comparable to having a ‘disease’. Quite literally the body cannot function without consuming the substance or product behind the addiction – food, alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. When someone is addicted they develop severe cravings and can often become irritable or even nauseous if they are denied even a small dose of the substance or drug. If an individual is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they may turn to crime to fund their habit if their own finances don’t stretch far enough. Addiction not only affects a person’s behavior, it can also see their personality and mood change rapidly too.

What causes addiction?

Addiction can be caused by a variety of factors or influencers during our everyday lives. From hitting the bar each night after work for a glass of wine, to increasing the number of cigarettes or coffee that you consume, you can become addicted without even realizing. In some cases, individuals inherit what is known as an ‘addictive personality’. This refers to when a parent is addicted to a substance, and passes on these genes to their child. During adulthood there is a greater risk that the individual will become easily addicted to a drug or substance, whereas other individuals find it easier to say no or control their behavior.

Dealing with addiction

If you think you have an addiction, then you are already on the first step to recovery. Admitting that you have a problem can be incredibly difficult to deal with. For many addicts, it’s easier to hide or deny certain behaviors. Addicts may also be irritable and hide away from loved ones, causing upset and damaging close relationships.

There are a variety of online resources to help you deal with this first step. You may want to know how long does meth stay in your system, to help provide you with answers and information. If you think that you have an issue don’t suffer in silence. Once you have decided it’s time to seek help, talk to the professionals to guide you through the recovery options that you have available and what to expect when you experience withdrawal symptoms.

If you think that a family member has an addiction, it’s best not to confront them directly straight away. Make a note of their behavior over time and try to identify the triggers behind certain actions. Do they drink more after a hard day at the office? Perhaps sociable or stressful situations see them smoke more cigarettes? Addicts are very good at hiding their behaviors too – so check the trash or obvious hiding places if you think that your loved one has a drug or alcohol problem. The same can be said for food or even shopping addictions – if your credit card bill has gone up, or there’s no food in the fridge, does someone in your household have an addiction that needs to be addressed?

Treating addiction

Treating an addiction is not easy or straightforward. It takes a lot of faith and dedication to help yourself or a loved one stay on the road to recovery. The side effects that you suffer when dealing with addiction will depend how severe your cravings are. From cold sweats to nausea and the shakes, mood swings and even fever, withdrawal symptoms can cause distress. If you or a family member has a severe addiction, it’s advisable to seek professional help before trying to stop taking a drug or substance. Failure to do so could be damaging or even dangerous to your health. If you have a milder addiction, such as caffeine or cigarettes, then try gradually cutting down. It will be tough at first, but after a few days you will feel better, and have much more energy.

Treating addiction also requires undertaking serious lifestyle and relationship changes. Now you have decided that you need help, it’s important that you obtain the support and love of family and friends to get you through. Many areas provide support groups: a safe space in which you can share your stories and listen to others. If you are discussing your addiction with your children, then you need to be extra patient. Many kids find the fact that their parent is unwell upsetting and distressing. Make sure that you choose a safe and welcoming environment to enable your children to ask you all the questions that they need. Prepare yourself to feel wounded or attacked too – this is not an easy process. However, once you have taken the steps to begin improving your relationships, then your cravings for any substance or drugs will soon start to melt away.

A new lease of life

Any recovering addict will tell you that they are filled with a new energy and lease of life. Now that you are no longer addicted, get ready to see the world through different eyes. You may feel inspired to take up a new hobby or even share your experience with others. Other recovering addicts are filled with a new spiritual drive. Recovery is a very personal process, so take your time and be patient.

Whether you or a family member is dealing with addiction, this can be a distressing concept to understand. You may feel like you have lost a part of yourself, or damaged relationships beyond repair. However, don’t lose hope just yet. Dealing with addiction is a process that takes effort and time. So, if you want to get better, and stay well on the road to recovery, then be sure to follow the above tips.

Shift Frequency © 2017 – Tips To Understand and Overcome Addiction

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