Trump Destroys Crazy NeverTrumper RINOs

Trump Destroys Crazy NeverTrumper RINOsJoe Hoft – The leadership of the GOP never accepted President Trump.  They disliked him for taking what they thought was theirs and they still do.

Every step that Donald Trump took after coming down the escalator to announce his candidacy for President was attacked by not only the socialist Democrats but also the RINO leadership of the Republican Party.

President Trump was attacked not only by socialists from the left who hated him, but from ignorant commentators on the right who hated him more.  These people never understood that President Trump stood for and with the American people.  This is what MAGA was and is all about.

The Obama Administration destroyed America in every way it could.  Americans wanted a fighter who would take on these liberal communist monsters.  Instead of standing with the American people, petty RINO pundits joined the communists and went after President Trump.

This all came to a head with the stolen election and the actions of the socialists and RINOs to cover it all up. Now the socialists turned communists are targeting innocent Americans for made-up charges and these same GOP ‘losers’ remain silent.

This past week, bitter NeverTrumper Peggy Noonan, a bitter critic of President Trump made more bogus claims at the Wall Street Journal.  Newsweek  reported:

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Thursday, Noonan wrote that the January 6 hearings are “sinking” Trump and not helping President Joe Biden.

“Both parties are rejecting their leaders, Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” Noonan added. “It’s a continuing tectonic shift and the story underlying every daily political story. It’s building and will only grow. Both parties are starting to scramble for what’s next, who’s next. Both are casting about.”

Second, Noonan’s comments don’t align with reality.  To think that the Jan 6 criminal and unconstitutional investigation will move the Trump base is beyond ignorant.  This sham investigation ran by anti-constitutional communists and RINOs is not selling.  The MAGA crowd has seen this BS before.  The Mueller sham and the bogus impeachments were the same.  Outrageous lies being held up as evidence to take down President Trump.  If Noonan can’t see this, she really is an ignorant ‘loser’.

Thirdly, Noonan has no idea who she is with on Sunday mornings.  They are not Americans; they are monsters.  Why would she give them credibility by being there?  Her comments about women were an example.  Trump was very popular among women and beat Hillary in the white women vote group.  There are a lot of Christian women who love and cherish Trump.  With the win over Roe v. Wade this past week, that segment of his base has solidified and increased.

Noonan is a dummy and President Trump said so this weekend as he destroyed NeverTrumpers and ‘losers’ like her in a statement.

I listen to all of these foolish (stupid!) people, often living in a bygone era, like the weak and frail RINO, Peggy Noonan, who did much less for Ronald Reagan than she claims, and who actually said bad things about him and his ability to speak, or Rich Lowry, who has destroyed the once wonderful and influential National Review, the pride and joy of the legendary William F. Buckley, or George Will, whose mind is decaying with hatred and envy before our very eyes, or Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes, two people who are finally out of the conversation and of no relevance whatsoever.

Where do these people come from? They have no idea what the MAGA movement is, and even less of an understanding of America First, which is necessary, and even vital, to save our Country. People like these are nasty, jealous, not smart, and of no use to the potential greatness of our Country. They talk, they criticize, and they complain, but they don’t have the ability or talent to get anything done. They are shortsighted “losers”, and will never understand what it takes to Make America Great Again!

Trump Destroys Crazy NeverTrumpers

Yep, is all we can say.

SF Source Gateway Pundit Jun 2022

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