Trump is Healing This Country in the Only Ways That Matter

trumpWe can argue over whether or not President Trump perfectly handled his remarks in the wake of Charlottesville, but we cannot ignore the truth of the matter, which is that nothing he said would have been good enough for his legions of critics in the media. He could have given the greatest anti-racist speech in the history of the union and the response would have been a resounding: Oh, he’s a fake, where was all of this during the campaign, he’s just trying to save his presidency from the Russian scandal, blah blah blah. There was no way for him to “win” this event, so he went out and told the plain truth. Refreshing.

But whether you think that Trump should have said something else or not, the fact is that his administration and his agenda is doing much more to decrease racial inequality and anger than the last guy. The real key to helping the less fortunate is not to be found in soaring platitudes or even the fierce condemnation of white supremacists. It is certainly not to be found in the destruction and removal of Confederate monuments. It is to be found in hard policies that see no color. Policies that will help all Americans.

As an example of the kind of policy that does just the opposite, look no further than President Obama’s refusal to tackle the nation-threatening entity known as radical Islam. Refusal to tackle it? He wouldn’t even NAME it! And so he left our country open to a growing threat from Islamists, not all of whom destroy with bombs and guns. They also destroy with theocratic propaganda – the kind of propaganda that has Western feminists so intellectually confused that they would rather rally against “manspreading” than say a cross word about stonings in Saudi Arabia. This is how true evil comes to the United States, and the former president helped their cause every time he stood in front of a podium to apologize for ISIS.

Then there is economic equality, which the left pretends to care so much about. Under Obama, the solution was massive redistribution of wealth through the economic stimulus and Obamacare. This got the economy struggling back to its feet, but it didn’t do anything to close the racial wealth gap. Instead, the divide only strengthened. Instead, we saw entire swaths of the country succumb to economic malaise. Instead of lifting black Americans up, Obama brought white Americans down. That’s the Democratic Party’s idea of evening the playing field, and it made our country weaker than it has ever been.

In the areas of economics and national security, Trump is in the midst of healing this country’s true woes. Will he be as successful as his supporters might have hoped? Probably not; he’s facing nearly insurmountable opposition from every corner of Washington and the media. But he’s started something in motion that will ultimately prevail. He has turned the ship around. That’s moral victory. That’s making America great again. That’s all that really, truly matters.

SF Source Restore American Glory Aug 2017

18 thoughts on “Trump is Healing This Country in the Only Ways That Matter

  1. Hi Kevin,
    First of all, please don’t accuse me of trolling or having ulterior motives to sow discord on the site. That isn’t necessary when I’m merely asking reasonable questions in order to get all sides of the issue. If you’re unable to take the time to answer my questions, then maybe someone else can. I take no offense and hopefully, you aren’t offended either.

    Secondly, you say that you don’t consider Breitbart or Wikileaks to be ‘right-leaning’. Steven Bannon has been affiliated with, and is now working for Breitbart, so it would be a conflict of interest to use Breitbart as a source, wouldn’t you agree? If we’re going to have a fair discussion about these issues, you shouldn’t be the only one able to choose which sources are valid. Let’s start from neutral ground. I’ve also stated that my sources are Trump’s own words. I’m assuming that you don’t deny he said what I’ve claimed in my previous post, correct?

    Finally, when I said that the President needs to be precise in his statements…when it comes to accusing a former President of the United States with a possible crime, then “Yes”, he needs to be as precise as possible. You or I wouldn’t want someone to flippantly accuse us of breaking the law with vague statements or without providing evidence. We should hold Mr. Trump to the same standards.

    Again, I’m asking valid and reasonable questions and have no intent to anger anyone or sow any discord. Hopefully, we can continue the discussion, but if not, that’s fine too.


    1. Honestly Jack, I don’t what you’re getting at, why you’re here, and why you’re posing the questions you’re posing. What would you like us all to say to you? You’re new here obviously.

      I work 12 hours days, and I don’t have the time and energy to debate you or write a masters thesis at work or in my free time. I challenge you to go do your own research. There are plenty of investigators and sites out there besides the truth-challenged MSM if you are willing to put your own time and energy into it. Email Paul Craig Roberts, Pat Buchanan, Lyndon Larouche, Bix Weir, SGTreport, Alex Jones, Catherine Austin Fitts with your questions. Maybe they can help you.

      And if you value truth, please take your head out of the TV. If that’s your sole source for info, you are being brainwashed and deliberately mislead.

      Good luck.

      1. Hi Kevin,

        I came here because I was trying to better understand President Trump and was hoping to have an intellectually honest discussion about statements he has made which I consider to be false. To me, this is simply about Trump’s own words and not about the deep state, MSM, Breitbart, George Soros, etc…

        I appreciate you taking the time to comment, but as you said, this is not the best place for this type of discussion.

        Thanks again and best wishes to you.


  2. I think rather than us proving Trump lied, perhaps we should approach the statements as if they were true, and then prove they were lies.

    Jackbutter, you can help with this task as well. Don’t assume we are going to do all the work.

    No using MSNBC, CNN, WAPO, or NYT please (openly biased fake news).

    1. Hi Kevin,

      I think that’s fair…as long as you don’t use Breitbart, Wikileaks or any source that is considered to be right-leaning. With that said, I neither consider myself to be a liberal or a conservative, and I agree with policies from both sides. Right now, I’m trying to understand Trump from a fair-minded perspective and from what I see, I believe that he hurts his credibility when he makes false statements about trivial things. Because of that, I can’t take him seriously.

      The source I’ll use is Donald Trump. Almost every example I listed previously is a paraphrased quote from the man himself. The quotes are from interviews, press conferences and tweets. No MSM source is needed to accept that he made such statements. Also the quotes I listed should be common knowledge to anyone following Trump, so I will assume that you’ve heard them or are at least familiar with them.


      1. You stated: ‘…he needs to be precise in his words’ – assuming 100% of the time? That’s a high standard (and impossible one) for any leader/politician. Any lies Trump has told or gaffes he has had because he is not part of the DC swamp culture protocols are not a concern to me. It’s the policies and actions, not the personalities and verbal skills.

        And you also stated that you want people to prove that Trump DIDN’T lie yet you don’t want anyone to use ANY resources to prove that what Trump said ISN’T true. So you’re coming from a point of proving a negative to be incorrect, when you should be using the null hypothesis that ‘Trump told the truth about…’. And then using research to prove or disprove your statement.

        I don’t consider Breitbart of Wikileaks to be ‘right-leaning’. I consider them to be truth telling because they and other ‘alt’ news sites were the ones doing the research and reporting the findings when mainstream media wouldn’t acknowledge or report anything that contradicted their prescribed narratives. Example: the entire 2016 election!

        I’m neither a liberal/conservative, dem/republican. But I am definitely a human being and an American, and I stand against the deep state. So if you’re trolling to sow discord on this site by trying to throw burdensome tasks on people to ‘prove you wrong’, then you may be more comfortable discussing on infowars. There are people there who have the time and energy to play the game.

        If you want to take Trumps words at face value, then please do. But I suggest you do the research yourself using Breitbart (whose reporters are actual reporters who dig for the facts and report them), Wikileaks, Paul Craig Roberts, Pat Buchanan, Lyndon Larouche, and any other sites, if anyone wants to recommend any. Or you can go to MSNBC and CNN and commiserate with the hysterical masses.

  3. Admin,
    I’m not lost in the weeds at all. Let’s take the one example out of 10 that you mentioned…Obama wiretapping Trump. You, merely saying the words, “they most certainly did” is not evidence of anything. It’s just amounts to you saying it…which doesn’t make it true based on evidence.

    Now on top of this claim, Trump also said that his accusation had “been proven very strongly,” but in the end, never failed to produce any strong evidence. As a person wanting to be fair-minded, it’s not unreasonable to believe that Trump was lying and that there was never any evidence of Obama wiretapping Trump. It was in Trump’s best evidence to produce this evidence and yet he didn’t. Why not?

    Out of the thousand or so times Trump has been accused of lying as President, are you telling me that everyone of those accusations are false?


    1. Will you only be satisfied with a statement that Obama personally wire tapped Trump? Or the fact that not only did the NSA wiretap Trump and his campaign for political reasons, Obama was aware that this was happening?

      1. Hi Kevin,

        If that is the case, why didn’t Trump clarify this statement? You must concede that it’s extremely misleading to say Obama directly wiretapped him, and as President, he needs to be precise in his words. What would happen if he accused another world leader of committing a crime and then didn’t take the steps to prove it? Our president should not, and cannot make such vague statements that require rationalized interpretations.

        Also, you’re making an assumption that the wiretapping was done for political reasons and not for anything else. So, if I’m being fair-minded, I can’t be satisfied with your interpretation. I expect and require more precision and proof my president.

        Thanks again

      2. Just as this is the Trump administration, the previous administration was the Obama administration. No agency reporting to the President of the United States would undertake spying on a political opposition candidate without the tacit (possibly even expressed) approval of Obama himself.

        You indicate that you wish to get to some truth and you are neither opposed or supportive of Trump. However, based on your very Left-leaning statements concerning whether or not this or that pronouncement of Trump is “truth,” it would appear that you lean heavily on LIARS in the mainstream media to provide you with “truth” and are uninterested in reviewing ALTERNATIVE NARRATIVES from FAR MORE REPUTABLE sources and then forming your own opinion concerrning “truth.”

        I read on average 400 headlines a day from news agencies across the spectrum. From these I pick 5 or 6 articles to place on the blog. I can assure you that when you do that level of research before too long you begin to see patterns emerge in terms of how “news” is being presented. You discover you are no longer listening to or reading “news” but rather the created agenda of Deep State operatives hell bent on destroying this presidency. Why?

        DONALD TRUMP WAS NOT CHOSEN BY THE 2-PARTY BIRD OF PREY MASQUERADING AS THE DEMON AND REPUG PARTY. Trump is a Nationalist, a lover of American ideals, form of government, and rule of law. He was elected by the PEOPLE. The PEOPLE – the very last group that this current government considers when opening their hands to graft from Lobbyists. That’s why they hate him. If you don’t see that they hate him then I’d suggest you not waste your time researching Trump because your goal of “truth” will be undermined by the propagandized mainstream media platform you still seem to think has some merit. -g

  4. Hi Easie,

    In order to make the world a better place, why does he need to lie then? When I say, “lie”, I’m not referring to the liberal spin or conservative spin given to his words. I’m talking about demonstrable lies that can be seen and heard by anyone taking a fair-minded approach. Lying as much as he does hinders progress towards his goals and I’m not sure how those who want to live honestly and ethically beyond the liberal/conservative dichotomy can take him seriously. The means never justifies the end, you see.


      1. Hi Admin,
        I’m hoping that you will choose to approve this post and address the content directly.

        There are many more examples of Trump’s lies, but off the top of my head (these are paraphrased, but can be documented by a simple Google or YouTube search):

        1. “Obama wiretapped me.”
        2. “The reason I lost the popular vote was due to over 3 million illegal votes.”
        3. “The employment rate is 40%”
        4. “I had a larger inauguration crowd than Obama.”
        5. “Counter protesters in Charlottesville didn’t have a permit.”
        6. “I never knew Bannon before I started running for president.”
        7. “Amazon doesn’t pay taxes”
        8. “White House is a finely-tuned machine”
        9. “Podesta refused to hand over the DNC server to the FBI” (Podesta didn’t chair the DNC or have anything to do with handing over the server to the FBI)
        10. “Russia didn’t meddle in the 2017 U.S. Elections”

        Now, if you attempt to spin any of these examples and suggest that they’re partially true or misunderstood, then you contradict Trump’s statement that he likes to know all of the facts before making a statement, which in turn, would be another lie. The best case scenario is the made flippant statements without knowing all of the facts. This is not acceptable conduct from an American president. The worst case scenario is that he flat out and knowingly lies.

        My main point is that none of these things needed to be said in order to forward his agenda. He hurts himself and reduces his credibility with many people who may accept and support some of his policies. In short, he doesn’t prove himself to be trustworthy by needlessly lying about trivial things.


      2. You’re so lost in the weeds I would do a disservice to the informed to rebutt all your Trump lies – starting with “obama wiretapped me.” Guess what, friend, Obama and Susan Rice and Brennan and Comey and Lynch most certainly did. -g

      3. Hi G
        I’m pretty sure that all of these ‘lies’ have been clearly confirmed as actually true. Breitbart and Wikileaks have done an excellent job of reporting the facts and Truth to show that Trump wasn’t lying.

        It would take me hours, however, to locate the articles and post the links in response to Jackbutter. I can attempt to do a few at a time when I’m able find some free time at home.

        Perhaps others could help? By doing this it would provide documentation and evidence for future reference. It might even make a great article.

        I’d like everyone to keep in mind that no one speaks accurately 100% of the time. So to do a ‘gotcha’ on Trump because he said he likes to get the facts before he speaks (this was stated after the VA incident I believe) would be unfair, as others have refused to state the facts or misstated them (ex. Obama and Hillsy in collusion did all kinds of acrobatics to refuse to call the Orlando gay bar massacre Islamic terrorism, which speaking as a gay man, it clearly was,

  5. I love what my president is trying to do for this country. FOR THE WORLD FOR THAT MATTER. There is a reason this nation is targeted for destruction, for one in spite of the plans for it to fail it successfully showed the world that as a free land we the people had one of the best systems to excel and obtain the dream of a better life. We now know it was a honey trap, as dark power’s were waiting to destroy the system. These thugs have used us as a piggy bank to fund the destruction of other nations ,just as they destroyed the native people of this land. We have been lead like sheep to our own demise. Thank GOD, we now have a man who understands what these crooks have done and wants to correct it. They have rallied to surround him and destroy his efforts, now they think they have won. But GOD, has never lost a battle and he will destroy them and their ungodly plans. The victory is already won and the enemies are toast. One man can’t but he is not alone when GOD is for us no weapon formed against us will succeed. They can’take make a weapon or force that can destroy him and he winks at the fools as they Parish. Satan, you and your army lose. World without end enjoy your eternal reward He’ll awaits you and yours.

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