Trump Calling CNN Fake News a Good Start

pressStephen Lendman – CNN operated as the Clinton News Network throughout the political season, delivering disgraceful one-sided election coverage, press agent journalism, not the real thing.

At his Wednesday news conference, Trump justifiably blasted the network as “fake news,” a “terrible” organization, refusing to take a question from its reporter-impersonator Jim Acosta.

Senior Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway tweeted MSNBC’s “Morning Joe Attacks CNN, Buzzfeed report on Trump and Russia: ‘There’s No Story Here.’ “

Trump should have gone much further than just excoriating CNN and BuzzFeed for willfully reporting misinformation. He should continue what he did effectively while campaigning. Blast all media scoundrels as fake news proliferators.

They’ll keep attacking him viciously once in office, whether justified or not. They won’t give him a moment’s peace. No skin is thick enough to take it without responding appropriately.

NYT editors disgracefully called his straight talk press conference “bombastic, vain and slippery,” claiming he displayed “petulance and braggadocio. He ducked and dodged when reporters asked whether he or members of his staff colluded with Russia before the election…”

This from the self-styled newspaper of record, serving as Hillary’s press agent throughout the 2015-16 political season, bashing Trump relentlessly daily, continuing its deplorable viciousness.

The Times gave feature op-ed space to neocon extremist Max Boot. He blasted Trump irresponsibly, suggesting he may be “a modern Manchurian candidate.”

He claimed fabricated accusations of Russian US election hacking to help him defeat Hillary are true. He suggested thoroughly debunked allegations about Russia having compromised material on him may be accurate.

“(A) Watergate-style scandal (may) engulf the Trump presidency…Just because the allegations are unproven…does not mean they are all false,” he ranted.

Media scoundrels are frantic over possible improved Russia/US bilateral ties with Trump succeeding Obama.

They want adversarial relations continued, no softening whatever in the interest of world peace, security and stability.

Media scoundrels are on the wrong side of virtually all issues mattering most, especially geopolitical ones.

Trump should blast them all as illegitimate purveyors of fake news. Keep tweeting to get your message across without misquotes, distortions, deletions or other ways of trying to undermine you.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

SF Source Steve Lendman’s blog Jan. 2017

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