Understanding Maya

Who sees all beings in his own self, and his own self in all beings, loses all fear. – Isa Upanishad, Hindu Scripture


Elva Thompson – The above quote from the Buddha is enlightening when viewed from an esoteric viewpoint. We may understand the world is an illusion with our intellect, but mental understanding is a very different state of affairs from listening with the heart.

The Buddha’s words allow an understanding of a simple truth that is contrary to our programming, in fact, to say the world is not real could be called counter-intuitive, but never the less, truth can so easily be misconstrued by our counterfeit ego self.

Perhaps the world we think is real…in one sense is not real at all.

Ice cube effect

Anyone familiar with the ‘ice cube’ effect will immediately realise why this reality is not what it seems, and will understand that the speed of vibration governs how we interpret our virtual reality. Sadly, those who are immersed 100% in the ‘real world’ never experience the inner world of cause….they are too full of self, and as a consequence, this reality becomes their domain: the whirled of Impostor Consciousness, or as David Icke puts it: the phantom self.

Entertaining the ridiculous

A lot of people are beginning to think outside of the box; thinking big thoughts, as Earth’ sets’ upon the final act of the drama that has unfolded-folded-and unfolded again throughout the last Grand Cosmic Year. Many soul imbued beings are investigating the narrative presented by the status quo and find it wanting. They are exploring the realm of spiritual reality with their blossoming awareness, and become ‘energetic’ detectives on the trail of truth.

The construct

There is no better teacher than experience, and when one gazes the sun as a spiritual undertaking, new avenues of understanding open up.[ See my article the Occult Sun- parts one and two]

Light is information and when entering through the eyes into the quiet mind allows for data downloads. Observation and intuitive understanding tells me, the sun is much closer to Earth than NASA postulates. After all, NASA is the information fodder trough of the intellectual status quo.

Sungazing has also led me to consider the FE platform.

Never a straight answer

If NASA lies about one thing…you can bet your bottom dollar that the information they present is riddled with half truths if not downright lies. Of course, they are the sheep dogs of misinformation that keep the herd mentality in line. The same mindset that denigrates without investigation any information that is contrary to its programming.

Lucifer’s farm

If this is Lucifer’s construct, the Earth may well be a plane, a farm for animals. [See Satan’s Eden and the Light-bringer] We are born, and are milked for our energy, we breed and we die just like the farmer’s cow. It is only our ego, our counterfeit impostor consciousness that stops us from realising the true predicament of our species.

The farmer and his cow crop are the microcosm of a much bigger, ugly picture…. ‘As above/so below.’ And as ye do unto others…so it shall be done unto you.

Basically if you enslave the creation…you are yourself enslaved.

A different perspective

Being wildly dyslexic, I tend to see some things backwards, so I try not to get involved in the science of FE debate, but a flat earth makes perfect energetic sense to me.  What is the ancients ‘Ring pass Not?’

In the Book of Enoch: Chapter 89 v2 we read a description of the Flood. God or whatever…is flooding the enclosure[farm] from the roof of heaven. For more information visit: aplanetruth.info. On the website of a plane truth, you will find lots of information that will enable you to form your own view of the Flat Earth understanding.

Think for yourself

Investigate for yourself in these apocalyptic times, make up your own mind about the nature of reality.  This is the last year of the reset…and even now, the electro-magnetic reality for the next Age is being nano engineered.

In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself. Krishnamurti

Akasha and Ancestral DNA

In my last article, we were introduced to Akasha, the invisible moving power that informs creation. The magnetic record of every soul’s path from life time to life time. The Akashic record is accessible through a DNA connection with our ancestral lineage. Atlantis…Lemuria and the origins of our species are all recorded in our DNA technology. All we have to do is cultivate the ‘quiet mind’ and access our cosmic memory with a warrior’s intent. As the curtain falls on this creation and the veil thins, much will come to light.

The two lights

In a duality there are two polarities and if we imagine these polarities as two great pulsating energy centers that enliven and inform our fake creation, we will understand that the energy involved in these dynamics is too powerful for a single human body to contain. Therefore the energy of both polarities is fragmented into units…shards of negative and positive charge. We can think of a soul shard being a droplet of water in a great ocean of ensoulled being.

The Ensouled and the Soulless

In line with duality there will be DNA software[bodies] that are infused with soul and others that are vessels for the false light. This allows us to understand how shards of negative energy emanating from the false light incarnates by design into the royal bloodlines, and families like the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties. These are groups of entities who serve the ‘service to self’ polarity agenda in this VRG.

On the other polarity is the ancestral consciousness of the ensouled: those entities that are on the path of service to Divinity Agenda….the Beauty Road. The conflict that creates the Loosh comes into play when these two opposing forces start the game of ‘us and them’ a-rolling.

Nothing stands still-everything is being born, growing, dying-the very instant a thing reaches its height, it begins to decline-the law of rhythm is in constant operation-there is no reality, enduring quality, fixity, or substantiality in anything-nothing is permanent but Change. – The Kybalion.

Act on the Christed Impulse

When we stretch our awareness, we see that polarities of light/dark are in essence the opposing ends of the same force. With this understanding, we can intuitively grasp the nature of the game a little better, because we know there is a transcendent power above duality, a source field that is not tainted by the false light. That’s where we are heading…to our true home.

Do not be afraid to step off the precipice of normality into a greater understanding.

“Come to the edge of the cliff,” he said.

“No! We are afraid.”

“Come to the edge of the cliff,” he said again.

They came. He pushed them and they flew.

Wisdom thread

Student – How may I enter the Way?
Teacher – Do you hear the murmur of the mountain stream? There you may enter. – Zen Koan

For That Art Thou.

We are the divine force that powers Lucifer’s geometry. That’s  our soul out there.

Our stolen and majestic multi-dimensional power is the energy behind the false creation. Remember the mason’s prayer: ‘In the beginning god geometrized.’

Let’s jump into the rabbit hole…negotiate the maze and pray to our ancestors for clarity. All that ever was…and all that will be is Now… and it is accessible.

SF Source Heart Star Books  Mar 2016

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