Venus Star Rising….

Venus Star Rising….Lorna Bevan – On October 22nd, Venus aligns with the Sun, creating the first rare and stunning Venus Star Point in Libra since the 1770s, making this the first time that any of us have experienced this energy.

Every eight years, Venus creates a perfect five-pointed star or five-petaled rose as it orbits around the Sun. Known as the Rose of Venus or the Star of Venus, this perfect geometrical shape is a reminder of both the beauty and order that can be found in the Universe. To create the petals, Venus shifts between being a Morning Star and an Evening Star.

Amplifying this High Heart re-balancing, Venus is conjunct the dwarf planet Haumea, named after the Hawaiian Goddess of Birth. At the same time, Saturn is stationing direct and the shock window for the Scorpio Solar Eclipse on October 25th is creating sudden sideways escalators. This is a lot of intense and transformational energy to work with, especially when it comes to relationships, matters of the heart and the expression of the feminine.

Channel this energy to:

♦ trust whatever you are moving through
♦ remind yourself that everything blooms in its own time
♦ create new life from dark places

(To discover your own pre-natal Venus Star Point -one of the most important points in your chart that colors your entire psychology – get Arielle Guttman’s superb book: “Venus Star Rising”)

As Saturn the Lord of Time and Karma slows to turn Direct on October 23rd, it’s an opportunity to re-do any missed steps. This move forwards is especially significant as Saturn will continue direct before leaving Aquarius for Pisces on March 8 2023 for the first time in 29 years.

On October 23, Saturn is in an exact square to Uranus in Taurus and the Nodes of Fate across Taurus/Scorpio. The global clashes causing food and financial crises will intensify. Now is the time to safeguard your resources and futureproof your support structures.

To track Saturn’s patterns in your own life, look back to December 2020 when the Dweller on the Threshold entered Aquarius in a remarkable conjunction with Jupiter. This began a major re-set of your intentions, goals, purpose and direction.

As Saturn moves forward, ideas, projects, dreams and visions you left by the wayside will remind you of their existence. New connections, synchronicities and opportunities will appear seemingly out of nowhere that in reality you’ve been creating from the deep structure causative level since December 2020.

It has been true medial and alchemical work to absorb, integrate and synthesize the growth, resilience and resourcefulness you’re bringing to your life now. Frame it as re-purposing old dreams into new life.

Chandra Symbol Saturn Direct 19 Aquarius: loud crushing noises as a glacier moves

“You are being driven to observe and witness objectively all the decisive and epochal shifts and pressures in the collective mix.

Eyes wide open in the dark.

Attention riveted to trends and turning points, and yielded up to a long-ago-agreed-to code of recording and evaluating all the relevant data so that the cosmic forces can determine what is happening way down here and can fine-tune how to evolve the situation optimally; so that all concerned can synchronize with the greater ways and be released from anything and everything that runs counter to the bright promise of Earth evolution.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Oct 2022

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