Avoiding Fear

April Crawford  Inner Whispers  May 6 2014

CalmBeforeStormWaterPierWhile experiencing reality, fear plays a huge role in the evolutionary process.

If one looks closely at their surroundings, they will realize that fear lurks in every corner. There are some who use fear to their advantage, while others cower in the presence of the smallest amount of fear in their world.

A negative force it is, but it is really up to the individual how fear is used to either evolve or become stagnant in reality.

The important thing to know is that fear is a controllable force. It will grow and diminish as you think and feel your way through your life.

It is important not to avoid fear should it manifest.

Walk directly towards it and examine its features. Upon closer inspection, you may realize that it’s often your own insecurities that nurture it to grow more.

Decide to diminish the images it creates in your mind. Most often, by doing so, you may find that the fear is not all that difficult after all.

Embrace a desire to overcome the emotion by seeing where you may have encouraged its growth.

Fear only has the power you give it. Most fearful experiences are a creation of your own thoughts in regard to a situation that is unfolding. Stop the tumble of energy and see that you can rise above the dilemma.

You can overcome whatever is being presented. See it all clearly and respond to the actuality, not the embellishment your fear has created.

Be fearless.

Be clear.

Know that all that is created is by your design. Decide that fear is not a component.

It might change everything.


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