Elite Preparing to “Insulate From Revolution, Rebellion, Anarchy” After an Economic Collapse

vicinoMac Slavo – It is no secret that the world is teetering dangerously close to disaster.

Saving the system may be impossible, even if the powers that be delay or defuse the worst of it for some time to come.

Most people have no idea what to expect if it comes crashing down.

But others have been prepping for years to make sure they can survive if the power, the food supply, or the entire society ceases to be functional.

An increasing number of the rich – and especially the super rich – are prepping, too, and investing serious money for a survival bunker that includes comforts and upscale security with the basic amenities.

Pulse.com profiled one company that is marketing “end of the world” shelters to those who can afford it, and who see a breakdown coming that includes potential revolution and civil unrest:

Vicino warns that the rich need to be ready for a scenario that will “turn Suzy Homemaker into a gun-wielding predator.” As he asked me, without any apparent irony, “Do you really want to fight off all the zombies, the predators, the gangs, the militias, whatever else is roaming the streets to get what you got?” […]

At the last annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, observers noticed elites growing more alarmed about the possibility of social unrest. […]

This matches what Vicino hears. “They’re going to Patagonia, they’re going to remote locations of the world,” he says. “Their reasoning is more to be insulated from a revolution, rebellion, anarchy, or whatever, following an economic collapse.” […]

Vicino’s properties include the recently launched Vivos Europa One, an invitation-only nuclear blast–proof subterranean complex tucked into a former Cold War munitions storage facility in Germany. It was purchased by Vicino and his partner, a German developer, for $2.25 million [£1.47 million] and unveiled this past summer. The property, now valued at over a billion dollars and boasting 227,904 square feet of “secure, blast proof living areas” is big enough for 34 “high net-worth families” to inhabit for a full year, says Vicino.

They can enjoy swimming pools, a wine cellar, and living quarters they are encouraged to customize with fittings created by their favorite yacht designers. Worried about the collapse of the rule of law? After the end of society, each Vivos properties will be governed by its own bylaws and the various bunkers will have their own tribunals to handle conflicts between wealthy residents, who may well get twitchy during their confinement. An armed security force employed by the company will handle threats from above—presumably the have-nots who want in.

There’s no telling when exactly the SHTF may happen, but it is clear that those in power see a breakdown coming… and they are prepared.

Are you?

You can read more from Mac Slavo at his site SHTFplan.com

SF Source Activist Post  Oct 2015

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