VisionKeeper ~ Things Are Not As They Seem

One World Rising | January 5 2012

FearI would imagine you are feeling the hypocrisy of the world right now. You watch the news and you are told one story and if you go online to alternative news sites you get another story.

For many they don’t know who or what to believe anymore, for me it is abundantly clear. Our government has been lying to us for as long as most can remember. Those lies are all starting to be uncovered now, the veil is being lifted to reveal the truth at last.

It is extremely difficult to realize and accept the whole life you have known up until now, is just a sick fabrication, an assault on humanity, slavery and devastation. If you really take a deep look at the sinister plot afoot to control us all far more than they have already been doing, one begins to wonder where they can go to  be free of this. You cannot run and hide from what is taking place. It is worldwide, and running isn’t the answer anyway. No fear is ever overcome by running from it, but rather by meeting it head on. It is by standing our ground and waking up that things will change.

This is why it is so critical for people to wake up, stop trying to pretend what is going on isn’t happening. It is. It’s a bit frightening, but we have each other. We are all sailing in the same ship into the unknown.

To continue to believe in what the news is reporting is sheer lunacy. If you are honest with yourself you can see what you are being told and what you see happening around you, are two very different realities. Here we are in the middle of this nightmare lies being revealed everyday, our rights being taken away, our money being stolen. Our reasons for going to war were all lies and yet many still sit and play the political game.

This whole 2012 presidential race is a sham. The very people being trotted out for you to consider voting for are the very people who were part of this charade, who have been lying all along, and yet people are buying into it. They just don’t get it yet. Not only do we not need or want any of these hypocrites running this country, it is obvious that we need a whole new form of Government now as the old way of doing business is corrupt and destroying our country. Nothing is as it appears and everyone needs to understand this. What you see is not what you are getting. You are being lied to so the same old game they are playing can continue.

So what does one do you ask? This is the lesson we are meant to be learning right now and it is of grave importance. We must learn to stop believing in what others are trying to sell us and listen only to ourselves, to what our guts are telling us. We must learn to fend for ourselves, do for ourselves, not rely on somebody else to help you out.

Help yourselves out! The minute you accept that handout it comes with strings attached and that is what is destroying this country. So think for yourself, do for yourself, stand up for yourself, listen to yourself. Stop buying the lie and then wonder why nothing is getting any better. They don’t want it to get any better and it is time to face this fact head on.

Make it your job to go online everyday and seek out the truth in alternative news. I’ve left links on this blog of websites you can go to. Go find the truth!  If you are awake or just waking up stay close to others who have as well. We need to stay together and support one another through this shift we are dealing with.

Do not fall prey to the fear you will be handed on a silver platter. NO FEAR! Where we are headed eventually is to our freedom. Dwell in that and feel the joy it brings. Feel how embracing it feels seeing the whole world awaken, to know they are with you and behind you on this journey.

We are all becoming one and sensing our oneness because of what we are facing. All of what we have endured was needed to catapult us awake. We would not have awoken without a big shove forward by all we are witnessing.

Change is never easy and this one certainly isn’t. We have lost our past to lies and we don’t know quite where we are headed in our future. We must trust our guts for they know the truth. We will get through this and come out the other end of the tunnel into the sunshine. Believe it and live as if you do. It will be and we are all together creating what our new world will be like.

Dream big!

Blessings to you all,

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