The Time of the Great Cleansing                       

You are now in the Time of The Great Cleansing which precedes the Time of The Great Awakening which will usher in the New Earth and a new Golden Age of Freedom. Now is the time to release whatever is no longer serving you so you can emerge victoriously into this new world. –  Ascended Masters St. Germain & Lady Portia

earthDiamond Light Foundation – The time you are currently living in is the most intense energy you have ever experienced in a physical body on Earth. And it will continue to accelerate for the rest of the year, giving you the unprecedented opportunity to release anything that is no longer serving you. The good purpose is so you can actualize your Divine Blueprint and your full mastery as an awakened being consciously co-creating the life that will bring you joy, giving your gift that will contribute to a new world of freedom and fulfillment.

More and more powerful energies of Love and Light are bring released from the heavenly realms designed to  bring to the surface of your awareness any negative belief or programming of fear or lack of any kind that would keep you from ascending into the New Earth ~ this new world of peace, harmony, unity, mutual empowerment and abundance for all. Every two weeks the energy on your planet is being upgraded, at the time of the New Moon, Full Moon and on every Solstice & Equinox.

Even though the greatly increased energy may bring challenges that seem like obstacles on your path to mastery and ascension,  nothing could be further from the truth. Although these events may be uncomfortable, it is a blessing in disguise to allow you to release any negativity you may have been holding within your physical, emotional or mental bodies so you can move forward into your full mastery and be part of co-creating and living in this new world that you came to Earth to participate in and is your Divine destiny.

This Great Cleansing is also taking place on the planetary level as well affecting all of humanity. Just as the volcanic eruptions on the Big Island of the Hawaiian Islands are presently releasing the accumulated negative pollution within the Earth, so are the earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and great storms and floods doing the same all over the  planet.

This is Mother Earth’s benevolent way to release the toxic effects of the bombs that have been exploded into her body, the chemicals that have been dumped into her oceans, lakes & streams, the poisonous pesticides that have been embedded into her soil, the toxic gases that have been released into her air, the disruptive electromagnetic frequencies emanating from cell phones & towers and the collective human pollution of anger, fear, conflict and war that has broken down the protective energy field of harmony surrounding the Earth.

She is releasing what she needs to remove from her body in order to survive, and allow all life upon her who choose, to ascend with her into the unlimited 5th dimension and the New Earth of peace, harmony, sovereignty and freedom.

To give you an analogy of your own body cleansing, if you have ever had food poisoning after consuming food that was toxic to your body, you have experienced the extreme discomfort of throwing up and perhaps explosive elimination as the body attempts to release the toxic substances  through the body’s elimination systems. Yet it is the body’s way of rebalancing your physical vehicle so you can survive and go on to thrive.

This is the time to pay attention to what life is mirroring back to you so you can glean the wisdom, benefit from the learning, release the toxic thought, belief, emotion or feeling that is no longer serving you and consciously co-create your glorious life of joy and mastery that you are here to live. For the Time of Awakening is right around the corner and you have come to Earth as a Wayshower to help usher in this new world.  Keep this vision ever before you as you step victoriously forth as your True Self beyond any distractions and limitations into this magnificent New Earth.

SF Source Walk the Earth as a Living Master Jun 2018

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