Weekly Forecast: December 25 – 31, 2022

12/28 Venus (essence and natural beauty) sextile Neptune (consciousness and vision)

Weekly Forecast: December 25 – 31, 2022Kelly M. Beard – This energy connects your true values and priorities to the planet of dreams, mysticism and other dimensions (Neptune). You have an opportunity to gain some real traction on making your vision tangible just by connecting to the essence that you want to experience.

Feel the feeling and that will lead to the physical manifestation. This energy helps you believe in what is possible and supports any artistic expression or active practice, such as vision boards, affirmations etc., anything that helps you hone the actual vision.

Steps and strategies are for other planets, Venus only cares about the essence of Nature and Love and Neptune is definitely not who you’d work with for ‘steps/strategies’ ; -) So, tune-in to the natural beauty around you and suspend any usual inner dialogue for a day or two (as soon as you can) so you can connect to some inspiration that is guided by your own Heart and Soul (from the inside-out).

12/29 Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn (until Jan 18th)

Now that we have expanded and explored the possibilities (in Sag) and which of them have any chi/lifeforce energy in them, we can choose which ones to embody, express and create containers for going forward.

This is the time of year when we review all that we’ve accomplished with an eye toward what we can build-on in the upcoming new year. We get a little more serious and focused on our goals and how we will accomplish them. We look at our exchanges to see which ones are solid and which ones are not and we start to look at new commitments going forward.

Mercury in Capricorn is going to ask us to get practical about the fundamentals: home and work and self and other. As it retrogrades, we have an opportunity to review and revise our thinking where our creative containers and personal structures are concerned.

How much has changed in the last 3-months? In the last year? The retrograde affords us extra time to get organized and prepare to make some new choices once it goes Direct Jan 18th. At that time, we will be called to commit in some way, whether that is to commit to creating containers for our ideas or to new ways of expressing ourselves.

Either way, we will be in this zone (along with anyone else there) re-wiring our ideas, thoughts and concepts of those Depts of Life (Houses) and won’t move on until Feb 11th, when it moves into Aquarius.

12/29 Mercury Retrograde (ideas, thoughts and concepts) conjunct Venus (values, priorities and resources)

This energy encourages you to see the Divine Order or the unifying theme running through the events of your life good, bad and indifferent as well as past, present and future.

This is an initiation of new values around communication, self-expression and the value of your ideas. You may finally be able to express ideas that have been percolating in your head, some people say “I love you” at this time, or articulate their feelings in deeper, more expressive ways. It’s really *juicy* for your Inner Artist, this is the beginning of expressing your creative ideas in altogether new and different ways than ever before.

Allow your Imagination to free-flow. Play with ideas with no attachment to outcome. Take advantage and explore all that this energy stirs within you, but don’t give in to over-thinking or over-processing things. These connections are richer, giving you access to deeper personal growth and development through a new understanding of how all the events of your life work together for good, ultimately.

You can see the necessity of certain challenges and clearly see your own personal mastery thus far. Celebrate and choose to create some new thought patterns that integrate and reflect more beauty throughout your life.

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SF Source Spirit Library Dec 2022

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