Weekly Forecast: December 26 2021 – January 1, 2022

12/26 Mercury (expression) sextile Neptune (dreams)

energyKelly M. Beard – This is a great energy for imagination, consciousness and intuition, however, keeping a good filter to distinguish between your own perceptions and what you are picking up from those around you will be crucial to your success.

Your mind may be tuned-in to a different channel than usual this week and you may have to rely on other senses, like your feelings or intuitive hunches. You may be very perceptive, picking up on the thoughts & feelings of others, which if/when you are clear (and your filters are working) can yield some surprising revelations about where their consciousness is, at this time (for better or worse) which always reflects an aspect of your own consciousness that you may not be fully aware of.

Try to avoid work that requires any attention to detail. Allow your creativity to flow freely without censoring what comes through you at this time. You can organize it later. This is the energy to explore, create and free-flow!

12/28 Jupiter RE-Enters PISCES (until May 10th)

Jupiter moved into Pisces May-July 2021 and then went back to finish up with Aquarius. Now it is back to finish up in Pisces, can you feel it? Jupiter in Pisces brings the *Completion* of a 12-Year Truth & Story and now, we return to the womb to prepare for ReBirth in Aries (May 2022).

Jupiter expands anything it touches, and it is shining its gigantic light on Piscean issues Unity, Dissolving Boundaries, Understanding, Tolerance, Compassion, Bliss, Ecstasy, Universal Love, Sensitivity to Surrounding Energies, Meditation, Secrets, Limitations, Restrictions, Fantasy, Dreams, Vision, Imagination, Creative Visualization, Mysticism, Psychic Ability, Surrender & Trust (Let Go &Let God).

This is our chance to expand our individual and collective realms to be more compassionate and understanding because we *know* that we are all connected.

Jupiter will expand the Pisces Houses of your chart and amplify any other Planets in Pisces, ushering in a New Truth/Story there as well. This will affect your Virgo/Gemini/Sag Houses by default. It usually spends a year in a Sign but here, we are breaking it into two parts in order to process.

This cross-over reminds us that as we connect to our own unique contribution in Aquarius, the next step is to offer it in service to the world. In order to do that, you may have to reinforce your foundation and personal boundaries.

This will be a super-creative, mystical & imaginative time if we channel it properly and don’t get carried away with illusions or delusions. The other thing the cross-over affords us is a little *grace period* of sorts to get used to the idea that 12-years is over and a new 12-year cycle is beginning. What do you remember about your consciousness & creativity in 2010?

Use the next couple of months to determine what Truth & Story you want tell, what narrative you want to live into and what purpose you want to embody & express going forward. Develop your vision, allow your Soul & Imagination some input and expand what you think is actually possible by a minimum of 10-percent!

12/29 Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) conjunct Venus Rx (values, priorities & resources)

This energy encourages you to see the Divine Order or the unifying theme running through the events of your life – good, bad & indifferent as well as past, present & future. This is an initiation of new values around communication, self-expression and the value of your ideas.

You may finally be able to express ideas that have been percolating in your head, some people say “I love you” at this time, or articulate their feelings in deeper, more expressive ways. It’s really *juicy* for your Inner Artist, this is the beginning of expressing your creative ideas in altogether new & different ways than ever before.

Allow your Imagination to free-flow. Play with ideas with no attachment to outcome. Take advantage and explore all that this energy stirs within you, but don’t give into over-thinking or over-processing things. These connections are richer, giving you access to deeper personal growth & development through a new understanding of how all the events of your life work together for good, ultimately.

You can see the necessity of certain challenges and clearly see your own personal mastery thus far. Celebrate and choose to create some new thought patterns that integrate and reflect more beauty throughout your life.

*NOTE This is special because it is happening with Venus Retrograde, traveling close to the Sun, along with Juno & Pluto. The five of them in Council promises to reorganize us all on an individual level so that when we go to work or play with others in the future, that we are all more stable, loving & productive. It’s also special because Venus & Mercury will only meet once, rather than the usual 3-times when a planet is Retrograde.

12/29 Mars (action) sextile Saturn (endurance)

This energy gives you a tremendous power booster to your drive to create stability, as you define it. You will be more willing to do the work, starting with a plan that is carefully thought out and then methodically carried out. Plan and Do! Not just one or the other, but both, which can eventually produce solid results.

The rewards for your hard work or the return on your investment will reflect what energy you have put into stabilizing your life. This energy should not be restrained but consciously directed. Excessive restriction (Saturn) may cause an explosion (Mars) down the line, whereas a solid base (Saturn) contains the fire (Mars) so it becomes useful, productive, and often, beautiful as well.

12/30 Mercury (mind, thoughts & ideas) conjunct Pluto (purification & transformation) [1 of 3 12/30 1/28 2/11]

This activation takes you into the depths of your own mind & consciousness, deepening all communications. You may find yourself obsessing over something, either by yourself or in an attempt to convey something to another.

Superficial, quick once-overs, trying to keep things ‘light’ will not likely be possible with this energy. You may feel determined to dig deeper until you get to the core or base issue. It’s good for soul-searching when it’s motivated by a genuine desire to know the truth, rather than to evade it. It’s not-so-good when you’re obsessing over someone or something which no longer serves you (or your Highest good).

The challenge with this energy is the tendency to be really intense and locked-in on your own point of view, which is no less valid, but often this type of mental intensity blinds you to something obvious that you overlooked because you were not being objective, but being driven by much deeper (possibly unconscious) emotions.

Your intensity is capable of influencing others but be aware of the difference between sharing information and trying to “convince, convert or cajole” others, as that can naturally attract challenges & opposition. Remember, the opposite can also be true, where you’re on the receiving end of this intense energy from someone else (trying to convince you).

The best way to use this energy, as it doesn’t really last that long, is to turn that intensity toward Self, peel the layers to your own Truth & Purpose. The channels are open for a time and you can communicate and receive information from the deepest part of your SoulSelf. This is an Initiation.

*NOTE This is special because it is the ONLY Activation – or Council Meeting, if you will, that Mercury plans to have while in Capricorn this go-round. The beauty of its scheduling is that the Sacred Feminine entities of Venus & Juno – both of which rule how we partner on all levels, intimate or otherwise – will be there to mitigate any confusion and keep us focused on the true values & priorities. Change is afoot – prepare consciously and things will go much smoother.

1.1.2022 Sun (core identity) trine Uranus (individuality)

This energy is wonderful for a little self-examination and taking action on your own behalf. Look at your habits, home situation, work or anything else that is important to you and look at how you’ve gotten to where you are. What kind of choices led here?

This is a good time to look around and see how you can conserve what is useful and release that which is no longer relevant for you going forward. It’s also a good energy for organizing & clearing the decks, so to speak, of things that have piled up but still need to be dealt with (or released altogether). You may be feeling very practical, possibly selfish, but it’s actually self-preservation.

SF Source Spirit Library Dec 2021

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