Weekly Forecast: January 30 – February 5, 2022

1/30 Sun (source & essential Self) square Uranus (awakening & radical shift)

energyKelly M Beard – As with any Uranus activation, this one disrupts the normal flow in order to facilitate a ‘break to realign’ moment. While sometimes disruptive & challenging, the ultimate result is refreshing in some way.

Consider the energy that thickens, gathering for a severe thunderstorm, then releasing buckets of rain, for hours, you sleep deeply and awaken to a bright sunny morning with birds chirping unusually loud outside your window. Got the visual? ; -))

This activation is the necessary challenge that gets your attention that something better is available, if you’re willing to improvise and think on your feet. If you’ve been unusually restricted in some way, you may feel restless. Rather than being reactive to the unexpected shift (within or without), it’s best to take a pause for the cause, step back and try to gain some perspective.

Remember to be present. Too far in the past can be depressing and too far into the future and you cause your Self unnecessary anxiety. Breathe, be under the sky, invite clarity about the next step and trust your gut. This energy, while sometimes uncomfortable and often sudden, is very necessary to disrupt any illusions or delusions you may be holding onto overlong. It’s time to express your Self in all new ways so the old ways naturally stop working in order to get your attention.

1/31 Aquarius new Moon

This month, we are ready to seed completely new patterns & cycles of being an individual contributor to a larger community. Every year, we use this time to laser away the non-essential and anything blocking the new vision for the year from taking root.

What is most important to you this year – 2022? Are you working on the new role that you want to play going forward, at this new level of maturity and higher level of consciousness? And what kind of communities do you want to be a part of? And contribute your energy to?

Aquarius new Moon is when you can dig into how your own *Unique Essence* can contribute to humanity & the planet in some way. It’s connecting to your heart (Leo) and discerning what you most value (Taurus) and are willing to build or invest in so that you are stabilized & whole enough to channel your own clean, authentic power (Scorpio) for the greater good of ALL Life! (Aquarius)

This month, my *Fixed* Babies are on deck! Aquarius/Initiation Leo/Integration Taurus/Scorpio/Growth. Dec/Jan has led right to here & now, so it is good to do a little review of what new Sagittarius Truth/Story is emerging and what new Capricorn Structure/Foundation you are creating that will contain, nurture & support your new Aquarian unique brilliance that wants to come through you! Even if it is simply living more completely centered in your own Authentic Self and sharing THAT with others!

2/1 Juno Enters Aquarius (until April 20th)

This is special because she just finished in Capricorn, traveling with Vesta & Venus, re-setting the new roles & responsibilities that we are choosing in partnerships now and going forward. We have (theoretically) agreed to new terms so now, as she moves through Aquarius, our independence, sovereignty & freedom within the context of all our relationships, partnerships & collaborations (at home or work) becomes the number one priority.

If we cannot feel that things are fair & balanced or if there is constant ego-battles and drama at every turn, then it is not going to work – on any level (private or public). The best thing to do with this energy is detach & discover the larger vision or perspective for your life at this time. After a lot of closure in recent months, now is the time to dream up how you would like to navigate your partnerships in the future.

2/3 Mercury Direct in CAPRICORN (until Feb 14th)

Now we begin the Post-Shadow Period, which is when we start to integrate all that’s come up in the last 6-weeks. This back and forth through Capricorn/Aquarius continues the work of creating structures for your life and containers for your creativity that allow you more freedom & authenticity.

We can no longer fake-it so if what we are doing does not have meaning or value then it is going to be harder to participate or contribute. If you haven’t got any creative projects cooking at this time, then dig into your own individuality and look for the upgrade – it will be an Area of Life where you used to be overly attached but now that has lost its emotional charge and you can easily let the issue and those associated with it, go with ease & grace. It is a liberation when the Monkey Mind gives you a break and you are no longer directly affected by others’ choices or behavior.

Time of Change
New Hopes & Dreams
Broadening Your Vision
Your Definition of Freedom
Independence & Leadership
New Beginning & Clean Slate
Healing of All Self-Love Issues
Acknowledging a Turning Point
Complete Rebirth/new Life/new Look
Trying new & Innovative Ways for Living
Your Unique Contribution to the Community
Using the Sacred Season to Rest, Replenish & Ruminate
Inspiring Fiery Creativity, new Projects or Old Projects Get Renewed

Imbolc/Candlemas, Cross Quarter, Aquarius Gate of Power

…is the second of 8 Sacred Seasons Inviting a renewal of the Light.

The Light is returning, the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. Cross Quarters are considered the *Gates of Power* the in-between the mid-point between the Solstices and Equinoxes. This is the *Sweet Spot* between seed & new Life. This particular one is purification through fire & water and is preparing space for new energy.

This is the season that you commit to the process of nurturing the intentions that you set for the new year around Winter Solstice. In order to create anew, often, sacrifices & changes must be made. This time of year also coincides with several celebrations, when many cultures give up something cherished in an effort to cleanse, clean & clear a space for renewed growth, within your Being and your environment.

This is about clearing a space for the *new* to come in. (You should prepare as if it has already arrived.) This season will culminate in 6-months (August) with the Leo Gate of Power/Cross Quarter/Lammas, so what would you like to create by then? What are you willing to give up to further your goals? What are you willing to fight for in order to preserve within or around you? What relationships are you cultivating?

2/4 Mars (your desire) sextile Jupiter (your truth)

This energy will help you figure out what your deepest desires and authentic Truth really are for you. If you are not sure, this expansion will illuminate the possibilities for you. This is a potent opportunity to take things to the next level.

Mars often lends a boost of energy, so definitely be active, work in some physical activity (but don’t over-do it), make any presentations you need to make, negotiate any contracts or deals you need to because all is supported for you knowing who you are and what you want in a way that conveys without much effort on your part.

The effort required to activate this easy energy is to actively pursue your desires, to expand your horizons by learning something new, by being around other like-minded or like-hearted souls and putting that extra energy behind some worthy project … starting with YOU!

2/4 Sun (core-identity) conjunct Saturn (responsibility)

This energy gives you a strong dose of purpose & direction, but also reminds you that those big dreams require a solid foundation in order to flourish. The wheels that get set in motion this week are creating your future, for better or worse – so pay attention!

While this is often about career matters, it is also about your responsibilities in general, the things you have to do that cannot be delegated to others. This is great energy for organizing and planning, creating order, and getting your Self or your life together in some way that fortifies your position & increases your value.

If you don’t “do the work” that you know you are supposed to be doing at the moment, you will only feel worse. So don’t delay anything that can, and probably should, be done sooner versus later. This energy can also make you feel a little lonely or depressed, don’t give in to that. There is a time to be out and about and time to get down to business. And right now, you have probably already put some things off and that is only going to contribute further to your stress levels. Make a list of things to do, prioritize them and start checking them off.

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https//karmictools.com  All Rights Reserved

SF Source Spirit Library Jan 2022

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