What Are Some of the Things That Make Us Nervous?

nervousMany of us deny it and some outright lie when it comes to admitting that we are nervous about something. For some reason, our society looks at this behavior as if we are weak and not stable. The truth of it all is that everyone gets nervous no matter how old they are. It happens, it’s a part of our lives, and we have to deal with it.

For those not understanding what triggers their nerves or what stresses them out, it can make us feel a bit off. It’s not until we get a better grasp on what pikes our heartbeat that we begin to realize there are certain things that rattle our nerves. Here some things that can often make us nervous.

A new experience

Who hasn’t hopped out of the shower and immediately found themselves sweating buckets within minutes? It happens to all of us, especially if we are about to enter new territory that we are not familiar with. This could be a new job or even a new date. Our nerves get the best of us and we have more sweat than we could have dreamed for.

New experiences are one of the scariest things that can happen to us. Our fear can subside once we get accustomed to our new surroundings. New jobs can be everything, especially if we are going to be learning a new skill and meeting new people.

Often times our thoughts go faster than we’d like and we begin thinking negatively about ourselves. It’s even scarier when you have sweaty hands from being stressed and shake them with your new boss. This is never a good thing and it will probably make you sweat even more. Once the chat is over, try to head to the restroom to wash or wipe away any visible sweat on your face.


If you are an entertainer of some sort and have to face a crowd, then this can really make you nervous. It may help to do the performance over and over to eventually calm your nerves. However, sometimes this often doesn’t help at all.

Performing in front of a new audience can simply throw us out of our element. It’s not uncommon to have second thoughts and want to turn back around. Our nerves can get the best of us if we don’t understand how to calm down during a panic attack.


We all have deadlines that we have to meet in one way or another. Deadlines define our job and the fat salary that we make each month. A deadline can be looming over your head and really stress you out—if you let it. Unfortunately, your stress can spill over into your personal life too.

You might have different deadlines with your family that causes you even more stress. We have all been a victim of some kind of panic and have added to the stress in our lives. The only way to survive a deadline is to start early, get the work done, and be productive.


We have been stressed out over tests ever since we got into school and had to prepare for one. At first, we are told the deadline and then we get the date. Once that day comes and you are sitting in your seat, you are nervous and feel like you are going to explode.

Tests seems to have an overwhelming amount of power on us when it comes to getting nervous. It can make us shake in our boots and pray that everything we marked down was correct. Tests have been used to help us get a raise, a new job, or get into college. Testing isn’t going away anytime soon for years to come.

It’s not a bad thing to have bad nerves or feel stressed out. It’s all about understanding why you get nervous every time you head to your job or meet new people. Everyone has their own reason which either could be medical or something emotional.

Our nerves often stop us from doing silly things because we will worry ourselves to death. Getting a bit sweaty and anxious before your play is a normal part of life. Learning how to stop stress can be done through a lot of exercises and mental strengthening.

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That Make Us Nervous?

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