Clashes and crises

“Real transformation calls you to a place-metaphorically a desert or mountain peak-where as you sit, the hard wind of reality strips away all the trappings of life, like so much clothing, make up and accessories.” Joan Halifax

sunLorna Bevan – As is already obvious, August is a month of high drama, of political and climate crises and clashes between polarised advocates of collective responsibility and personal freedom.

On August 7, the Sun squares volatile Awakener Uranus in Taurus, on Sunday 8th a tricky confrontational Leo New Moon re-triggers the ongoing harsh Saturn /Uranus square across the fixed signs. I describe this in August’s 5D Report as a signature of climate crisis and emergency – where the political becomes the unavoidably personal and vice versa.

This week’s unprecedented wild fires in southern Europe are a literal physical manifestation of Sun in Leo lighting the blue touch paper. There will be another flashpoint around the 20th when the Sun opposes Jupiter in Aquarius when everything – good and bad – will get magnified to excess or spiral out of control.

Venus in a Grand Earth trine to Pluto and Uranus is another clear and unambiguous message about waking up to reality out of the trances of consumerism, self-improvement and staring at screens into practical responsible collective action – before it’s too late.

In your own life, this unholy trinity of Aquarius, Taurus and Leo is bulldozing anything that is built on shifting sands. Instead of resisting:

♦ streamline + simplify

♦ eliminate and let go of anything no longer true for you.

♦ understand that what you stop doing, de-tangle and remove is as important as what you keep

♦ keep it lean and keep it simple

♦ clean up so you can be free to do your best work in the world.

Chandra Symbol for LEO 17: Elegant women sitting on a porch and fanning themselves.

“Rising superior to apparent limitations, you defiantly renounce the letter of the law to salvage the spirit of the law. Puncturing pretense. Breaking down power and control structures.

You are militantly outrageous, antitraditional. Pulled forward by a vision, a knack, an instinct for what this Earth asks and demands.

On fire with the power of radical changes, you feel in your cells the next stage in evolution. Ignited by the sense for being selected out as the quintessential representative of progressive currents, you dramatize yourself, your cause, your expanding awareness.

You want to make sure everybody knows that something new is going on around here, and that it will not stop nor take a back seat to anybody or anything.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Aug 2021

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